Removal ProcedureIt is only necessary to lower the headliner. Only do thosestep in headliner replacement that will lower the headliner enoughto gain access to the part. Refer toHeadlining Trim Panel Replacement.
Remove the sunroof window. Refer toSunroof Window Replacement.Disconnect the electrical connector from the sunroofframe.Disconnect the front and rear sunroof drain hoses. Refer toSunroof Housing Front Drain Hose ReplacementandSunroof Housing Rear Drain Hose Replacement.With the aid of an assistant, remove the bolts-(1)that secure the sunroof frame-(2).Installation ProcedureBefore transferring any parts perform thetiming/synchronization of the sunroof frame. Refer toSunroof Track Timing/Synchronization.Transfer all necessary parts to the new frame.
With the aid of an assistant, position the new sunroofframe-(2) into the roof opening.
Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
With the aid of an assistant, install thebolts-(1) that secure the sunroof frame-(2)to the roof.Tighten
Tighten the bolts to 8-Y(70-lb-in).Connect the front and rear sunroof drain hoses. Refer toSunroof Housing Front Drain Hose ReplacementandSunroof Housing Rear Drain Hose Replacement.Connect the electrical connectors to the sunroofframe.Install and adjust the sunroof window. Refer toSunroof Window Replacement.Ensure the motor/actuator initialization/teach process hasbeen done. Refer toSunroof Motor/Actuator Initialization/Teach Process.Verify the proper operation of the sunroof before installingthe headliner.Install the headliner. Refer toHeadlining Trim Panel Replacement.
Distracted Driving
Distraction comes in many forms
and can take your focus from the
task of driving. Exercise good
judgment and do not let other
activities divert your attention away
from the road. Many local
governments have enacted laws
regarding driver distraction. Become
familiar with the local laws in
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