Removal Procedure
Open the sunshade to the full rearward position.Open the sunroof window-(1) to the ventposition.Detach both sides of the sunroof side opening closeout panelcovers-(6) from the sunroof windowclips-(2).Open the sunroof to the full open position.Using a flat-bladed tool, press the lockingtab-(4) outward, from inside the roof opening, in orderto detach the side opening closeout panel cover from the sunrooftrack channel-(3).With the lock tab-(4) depressed, lift the frontedge of the side opening closeout panel cover from the track,working towards the rear of the sunroof opening.Repeat the steps for the entire length of the side openingcloseout panel cover-(6).Remove the sunroof side opening closeout panel cover from thesunroof module track assembly.Installation Procedure
Place in position, the new sunroof side opening closeoutpanel cover-(6) to the sunroof module trackassembly-(3).Hold the lower part-(5) of the side openingcloseout panel cover firmly and press the lockingtab-(4) into the track assembly.Ensure the entire length of the side opening closeout panelcover-(6) is secure to the sunroof assemblytrack.Close the sunroof window-(1).Open the sunroof window to the vent position.Secure the sunroof side opening closeout panelcover-(6) to the 3-clips-(2)located on the inside edge of the sunroof window.Close the sunroof window.Cycle the sunroof window to the vent position and full openpositions in order to ensure the sunroof side opening closeoutpanel covers are secure to the attachment clips.Close the sunroof window.Close the sunshade.
Oil Level Indicator Tube Replacement Engine Lubrication Oil Level Indicator Tube
Removal ProcedureRemove the intake manifold cover. Refer toIntake Manifold Cover ReplacementRemove the oil level indicator tube bracketbolt-(1).Remove the oil level indicator and tube-(2) bysliding the tube out from the lower crankcase hole.Remove and discard the O-ring from the oil level indicatort ...