Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Removal ProcedureWith the engine OFF, apply and release the brake pedalseveral times until the brake pedal becomes firm to deplete thepower vacuum brake booster vacuum reserve.Disconnect the power brake booster vacuum sensor electricalconnector.

Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Remove the power brake booster vacuumsensor-(1)-from the power vacuum brakebooster.

Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Release the spring clamp-(1)-and removethe power brake booster vacuum hose from the power brake boostervacuum sensor-(2).Installation Procedure

Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Note:A small amount of denatured alcohol may be used to easeassembly. Do not use soap.

Release the tension on the springclamp-(1)-and install the power brake boostervacuum hose to the power brake booster vacuumsensor-(2).

Power Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor Replacement (LEA) Hydraulic Brakes Brake Booster

Note:A small amount of denatured alcohol may be used to easeassembly. Do not use soap.

Install the power brake booster vacuumsensor-(1)-to the power vacuum brakebooster.Connect the power brake booster vacuum sensor electricalconnector.
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