Intake Manifold Cleaning ProcedureRemove any remaining gasket and/or gasket material from thefollowing:Throttle bodyIntake manifoldClean the following intake manifold areas in solvent.Intake manifold gasket sealing areasIntake manifold passagesBrake booster hose passageEvaporative emission (EVAP) solenoid passagePositive crankcase ventilation (PCV) vacuum hosepassages
Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.
Dry the intake manifold and throttle body with compressedair.Inspection ProcedureInspect the intake manifold for the followingconditions:Damage to the throttle body bolt holes-(1)Damage, debris or restrictions to the PCV system hoseports-(3)Damage to the gasket sealing surface for the throttlebody-(2)
Inspect the intake manifold for the followingconditions:Damage, debris or restrictions to the brake vacuum boosterhose port-(3)Damage to the intake manifold boltbosses-(1)Damage to the EVAP purge solenoid mountingboss-(5)Damage, debris or restrictions to the EVAP purge solenoidport-(4)Gouges or damage to the intake manifold sealing surfaces(2)
Inspect the intake manifold sealing surface-(1)for warpage.Locate a straight edge across the intake manifold sealingsurface.Insert a feeler gauge between the intake manifold and thestraight edge. An intake manifold with warpage in excess of0.50-mm (0.020-in) must be replaced.Repair or replace the intake manifold as necessary.
Outside Mirror Description and Operation (With LTZ/SLT)
Power Mirror System ComponentsThe power mirror system consists of the followingcomponents:Memory Seat ModuleOutside Rearview Mirror SwitchLeft Mirror Control ModulePassenger Window SwitchLeft Outside Rearview MirrorRight Outside Rearview MirrorPower Mirror System ControlsThe outside rearview mirror ...