Subject: | Dealership Service Consultant Procedure as Vehicle Comes into Service Drive for TirePressure Monitor (TPM) System Message, Light and Customer Information | |
Models: | 2006-2014 GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks | |
Attention: | The information found in this bulletin is to be used as a dealership service consultantprocedure for customers coming into the service lane with an illuminated “low tirelight” or comments on a check tire pressure/low tire pressure/add air to tire or servicetire monitor system message. Maintaining proper tire pressures is an Owner’s Maintenanceitem and is not covered under warranty. |
This bulletin is being revised to add model years, add the current Global Labor TimeCode and update the tool reference information. Please discard Corporate BulletinNumber 09-03-16-002A (Section 03 – Suspension).
Customer Concerns and Confusion with the Tire Pressure Monitoring (TPM) SystemThe following procedure should be used by dealership service consultants when a customercomes into the service drive with a “low tire light” on or comments on a check tirepressure/low tire pressure/add air to tire or service tire monitor system message.The service consultant should perform the following steps:
Turn the key to ON, without starting the engine.
If the low tire light comes on and stays on solid with a check tire pressure/low tirepressure/add air to tire message (on vehicles equipped with DIC), advise the customer:The system is working properly.Properly adjusting all tire air pressures to the recommended levels and driving thevehicle will turn the light off (refer to the Tire and Loading Information label onthe driver side door).More detailed information can be found in the Owner Manual.Service is not covered under warranty – this maintenance is the responsibility ofthe owner.Give the customer a copy of the attached “GM Customer TPMS Information.”If the Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM) light blinks for one minute then stays on solidwith a service tire monitor system message (on vehicles equipped with DIC):A TPM system problem exists. The vehicle should be written up accordingly and sentto your service department for further DTC diagnosis and service.If dashes (--) are displayed in only one or two of the tire pressure readouts, itis likely caused by a previous TPM system relearn that was performed incorrectly dueto interference from another vehicle’s TPM system during the relearn process (referto the Important statement later in this bulletin regarding TPM relearn with a scantool).If dashes (--) are displayed in all four of the tire pressure readouts, there is asystem problem. Follow the appropriate SI service procedures.If a customer indicates the low tire light comes on for a few minutes when the vehicleis started, then goes off after driving a while, advise the customer:The system is working properly.Most likely, air pressure in one or more of the tires is low enough to turn the lighton when tires are cold. After driving for a while, tires will heat up, allowing tireair pressure to increase above the threshold causing the light to go off. Properlyadjusting all tire air pressures to the recommended levels will correct this (Referto the Tire and Loading Information Label on the driver side door).More detailed information can be found in the Owner Manual.Service is not covered under warranty – this maintenance is the responsibility ofthe owner.Give the customer a copy of the attached “GM Customer TPMS Information.”For more detailed information, refer to the latest version of Corporate Bulletin Number07-03-16-004 and TPMS Training Course 13044.20 GM Chassis Control Systems.
Tire Pressure LightAt key on, without starting the vehicle:
Steady Solid Glowing TPM IndicatorIf the TPM indicator appears as a steady glowing yellow lamp (as above), the systemis functioning properly and you should add air to the tires to correct this condition.
Blinking TPM IndicatorIf the TPM indicator appears as a BLINKING yellow lamp for one minute and then stayson solid, diagnostic service is needed.
The Effect of Outside Temperature on Tire Pressures
Important:As a rule of thumb, tire pressure will change about 7 kPa (1 psi) for every 6°C (10°F)decrease or increase in temperature – Tire pressure will drop when it gets colderoutside, and rise when it gets warmer.
Under certain situations such as extreme outside temperature changes, the system maybring on a solid light with a check tire pressure message. This should be considerednormal and the system is working properly. The light will turn off upon adding theproper amount of air to the tires (refer to the Tire & Loading Information label inthe driver’s door opening). When properly adjusting tire air pressure, the followingsteps are importantto help optimize the system and prolong bringing a tire pressure light on:
Use an accurate, high quality tire pressure gauge.Never set the tire pressure below the specified placard value regardless of tire temperatureor ambient temperature.Tire pressure should be set to the specified placard pressure at the lowest seasonaltemperature the vehicle will encounter during operation.When adding proper tire air pressure, it is important to remember fluctuations inoutside air temperatures and tire temperatures effect tire air pressures.After you have added the proper tire pressure, if the vehicle has a DIC (after thesystem has updated), check to see if DIC displays are the same readings as the tirepressure gauge used (adjust as necessary).Only perform a TPM sensor re-learn after a tire rotation or system part replacementsand use the scan tool to initiate the relearn whenever possible to avoid invalid sensorI.D. learns.Important:Always take outside temperature and tire temperature into consideration to properlyset tire pressures. For example, on colder days (20°F/-7°C), if setting the tire pressurewhen the vehicle has been indoors (60°F/16°C) or the tires are warm from being driven,it will be necessary to compensate for the low outside temperature by adding 21-27kPa (3-4 psi) more than the placard pressure. At some latertime, when the vehicle has been parked outside for a while, the tires will cool offand the pressures will drop back into the placard range.
Important:Recently, nitrogen gas (for use in inflating tires) has become available to the generalconsumer through some retailers. The use of nitrogen gas to inflate tires is a technologyused in automobile racing. Tires inflated with nitrogen gas may exhibit less of apressure change in response to outside temperature changes. Nitrogen gas inflationis compatible with GM TPM sensors. For additional information,refer to the latest version of Corporate Service Bulletin 05-03-10-020.
Important:All Models (Except the Pontiac Vibe): Do not perform a TPM relearn at PDI, the system has already been set at the AssemblyPlant. Do not perform a TPM relearn after adding air to tires. The low tire lightis similar to the low fuel indicator and adding something (fuel, air) to the vehiclemakes that light turn back off again. Note that because of system behavior, some vehiclesmust be driven a short distance before the sensors recognize the increase in pressureand turns the light off again.
Pontiac Vibe Only: Do not use the TPMS reset button to turn off the light. The system will update andlight will turn off when all tire pressures have been adjusted followed by short distancedrive.Important:All Models (except the Pontiac Vibe): Each tire monitor sensor is learned to a specific vehicle corner. When performinga TPM relearn (only after a tire rotation or replacement of a TPM sensor or module),use GDS or the Tech 2® scan tool to initiate the relearn process. Scan tool-initiatedrelearns lock out other vehicle TPM signals that may be broadcasting in the area.Onlysignals initiated by the J 46079 or EL-50448 tool will be accepted. This method avoidsstoring false TPM I.D.s and will prevent customers from returning with dashes (--)displayed in tire pressure readouts and/or a flashing tire pressure monitor (TPM)light. Checking the four TPM I.D.s with the Tech 2® prior to and following relearnto verify they are the same can prevent invalid I.D. learns.
Pontiac Vibe Only: Tire Monitor Sensors are not learned to a specific vehicle corner. Do not performa TPM Reset after tire rotation. The TPMS Reset button must only be used during pre-deliveryinspection by the dealer to initialize the system (after all tire pressures have beenadjusted properly) or when a Tire Pressure Monitor System component is replaced. Neitherthe J 46079 nor EL-50448 tool works on Vibe TPM sensors. A TPMS relearn on Vibe mustbe performedwith a Tech 2® to set the TPMS Module in learn mode. The TPMS sensor IDs are enteredthrough the Tech 2®. Refer to SI for further Vibe TPMS information.Labor Operation and Repair Order/Warranty System Claim Required DocumentationImportant:The ONLY time labor operation 8050079 should be used is to diagnose for a system issue.That should ONLY occur if, at key ON, without starting the engine, the Tire PressureMonitor (TPM) light blinks for one minute and then stays on solid with a Service TireMonitor System message (on vehicles equipped with a DIC). If that occurs, a TPM systemproblem exists and the system will have set a DTC. If oneof these labor operations is used, the following Repair Order and Warranty Systemdocumentation are required:
Document the customer complaint on the Repair Order.Document the TPMS DTC that has set on the Repair Order.Enter the TPMS DTC in the Global Warranty System in the Failure Code/DTC field onthe claim submission.If the above information is not documented on the Repair Order and Warranty System,the claim may be rejected. If the Warranty Parts Center (WPC) generates a request,this repair order documentation must be sent back.Customer TPMS InformationDear GM Customer:
Customer care is at the top of our priority list at GM. We value our customers andwant to make certain of a great ownership experience. To assist you in better understandingyour vehicle, please make note of the following information relative to tire air pressureand the vehicle system that monitors air pressure performance.
Tire air pressure is a maintenance item in which the owner is responsible. Your vehicleis equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) designed to provide youwith adequate information to maintain proper tire air pressure. Proper tire air pressureis important to optimize safety, fuel economy, vehicle performance, and tire wear.
Changes in weather, including warm or cold outdoor temperatures, can cause air inyour tires to expand or contract. Should this occur, your vehicle’s TPMS may giveyou a low tire signal/alert along with the following message: Check Tire Pressure/LowTire Pressure/Add Air To Tire. As a rule of thumb, tire pressure will change about7 kPa (1 psi) for every 6°C (10°F) decrease or increase in temperature – Tire pressurewill drop when itgets colder outside, and rise when it gets warmer.
Your GM Dealer has determined that the TPMS on your vehicle is working properly. Thelight will turn off upon adding the proper amount of air to the tires (per the Tire& Loading Information label in the driver’s door opening) followed by driving thevehicle a short distance. The low tire light is similar to the low fuel indicatorand adding fuel or air to the vehicle will turn off the light.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Why does my vehicle have a Tire Pressure Monitoring System-
A: Starting with the 2008 model year, all vehicles sold in the United States are equippedwith tire pressure monitoring in order to meet the requirements of the Federal MotorVehicle Safety Standard 138 issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.Some GM vehicles built prior to the 2008 model year or sold in Canada may also havea tire pressure monitoring system; check vehicle build optioninformation to be sure.
Q: How does the Tire Pressure Monitoring System operate-
TPM Indicator LightA: The system is designed to monitor tire air pressure and notify the driver when thetire pressure in any tire becomes too low. The system will turn on a yellow lightedgraphic. If the air pressure remains low, each time the vehicle is restarted, thelight will reappear, some vehicles may also display the following message: Check TirePressure/Low Tire Pressure/Add Air To Tire.
Q: What if my tire pressure light comes on and stays on solid with a Check Tire Pressure/LowTire Pressure/Add Air to Tire message-
A: Simply add the proper amount of air to your tires. Refer to the Tire & Loading Informationlabel in the driver door opening for the recommended tire pressures. Once the tiresare properly filled with air, drive the vehicle and the message/light will go off.
Q: How would I know if the Tire Pressure Monitoring System was not working properly-
A: Each time the vehicle is started, the system’s yellow light will appear. It will“blink” for one minute, then remain on solid. Some vehicles may also display the followingmessage: Service Tire Monitor System. If this happens, visit a GM dealer for service.
For more information, refer to the Owner Manual or go to
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
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