Subject: | Chemical Staining, Pitting, Corrosion and/or Spotted Appearance of Chromed AluminumWheels | |
Models: | 2014 and Prior GM Cars and Trucks | |
This bulletin has been revised to add the 2014 model year and update the Parts Information.Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 00-03-10-002G.
Important:You may give a copy of this bulletin to the customer.
What is Chemical Staining of Chrome WheelsFigure 1Chemical staining in most cases results from acid based cleaners (refer to Figure1 for an example). These stains are frequently milky, black, or greenish in appearance.They result from using cleaning solutions that contain acids on chrome wheels. Soapand water is usually sufficient to clean wheels.
If the customer insists on using a wheel cleaner they should only use one that specificallystates that it is safe for chromed wheels and does not contain anything in the followinglist. (Dealers should also survey any products they use during prep or normal cleaningof stock units for these chemicals.)
Ammonium Bifluoride (fluoride source for dissolution of chrome)Hydrofluoric Acid (directly dissolves chrome)Hydrochloric Acid (directly dissolves chrome)Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonic AcidSulfamic AcidPhosphoric AcidHydroxyacetic AcidNotice:Many wheel cleaner instructions advise to take care to avoid contact with paintedsurfaces. Most customers think of painted surfaces as the fenders, quarter panelsand other exterior sheet metal. Many vehicles have painted brake calipers. Acidicwheel cleaners may craze, crack, or discolor the paint on the brake calipers. Damagefrom wheel cleaners is not covered under the vehicle new car warranty. Soap andwater applied with a soft brush is usually all that is required to clean the calipers.
Whenever any wheel cleaner is used, it must be THOROUGHLY rinsed off of the wheelwith clean, clear water. Special care must be taken to rinse under the hub cap, balanceweights, wheel nuts, lug nut caps, between the wheel cladding and off the back sideof the wheel. Wheels returned to the Warranty Parts Center (WPC) that exhibit damagefrom wheel cleaners most often have the damage around and under the wheel weight wherethe cleanerwas incompletely flushed away.
Notice:Do not use cleaning solutions that contain hydrofluoric, oxalic and most other acidson chrome wheels (or any wheels).
If the customer is unsure of the chemical make-up of a particular wheel cleaner, itshould be avoided.
For wheels showing signs of milky staining from acidic cleaners, refer to CustomerAssistance and Instructions below.
Warranty of Stained Chrome Wheels
Stained wheels are not warrantable. Most acid based cleaners will permanently stainchrome wheels. Follow-up with dealers has confirmed that such cleaners were used onwheels that were returned to the Warranty Parts Center (WPC). Any stained wheels receivedby the WPC will be charged back to the dealership. To assist the customer, refer toCustomer Assistance and Instructions below.
Pitting or Spotted Appearance of Chrome WheelsFigure 2A second type or staining or finish disturbance may result from road chemicals, suchas calcium chloride used for dust control of unpaved roads. The staining will looklike small pitting (refer to Figure 2). This staining will usually be on the leadingedges of each wheel spoke, but may be uniformly distributed . If a vehicle must beoperated under such conditions, the chrome wheels should be washed with mild soapand water and thoroughlyrinsed as soon as conveniently possible.
Important:Road chemicals, such as calcium chloride used for dust control of unpaved roads, canalso stain chrome wheels. The staining will look like small pitting. This stainingwill usually be on the leading edges of each wheel spoke. This is explained by thevehicle traveling in the forward direction while being splashed by the road chemical.If a vehicle must be operated under such conditions, the chrome wheelsshould be washed with mild soap and water and thoroughly rinsed as soon as convenientlypossible.
Warranty of Pitted or Spotted Chrome Wheels
Wheels returned with pitting or spotting as a result of road chemicals may be replacedone time. Damage resulting from contact with these applied road chemicals is corrosiveto the wheels finish and may cause damage if the wheels are not kept clean.
Important:Notify the customer that this is a one time replacement. Please stress to the customerthe vital importance of keeping the wheels clean if they are operating the vehiclein an area that applies calcium chloride or other dust controlling chemicals! “GMof Canada” dealers require prior approval by the District Manager - Customer Careand Service Process (DM-CCSP).
“Stardust” Corrosion of Chrome WheelsFigure 3A third type of finish disturbance results from prolonged exposure to brake dust andresultant penetration of brake dust through the chrome. As brakes are applied hotparticles of brake material are thrown off and tend to be forced through the leadingedge of the wheel spoke windows by airflow. These hot particles embed themselves inthe chrome layer and create a small pit. If the material is allowed to sit on thewheel while it is exposedto moisture or salt, it will corrode the wheel beneath the chrome leaving a pit orsmall blister in the chrome.
Heavy brake dust build-up should be removed from wheels by using GM Chrome Cleanerand Polish, P/N 1050173 (in Canada use 2675215). For moderate cleaning, light brakedust build-up or water spots use SmartPolish, P/N 88865218 (in Canada, use 2675213).After cleaning, the wheel should be waxed using SmartWax, P/N 88865229 (in Canada,use 2675208), which will help protect the wheel from brake dust and reduce adhesionof any brake dustthat gets on the wheel surface. For general maintenance cleaning, PEEK Metal Polish+may be used. It will clean and shine the chrome and leave behind a wax coating thatmay help protect the finish.
Warranty of Stardust Corroded Chrome Wheels
Wheels returned with pitting or spotting as a result of neglect and brake dust build-upmay be replaced one time.
Important:Notify the customer that this is a one time replacement. Please stress to the customerthe vital importance of keeping the wheels clean and free of prolonged exposure tobrake dust build-up. “GM of Canada” dealers require prior approval by the DistrictManager - Customer Care and Service Process (DM-CCSP).
Customer Assistance and InstructionsGM has looked for ways customers may improve the appearance of wheels damaged by acidiccleaners. The following product and procedure has been found to dramatically improvethe appearance of stained wheels. For wheels that have milky stains caused by acidiccleaners try the following:
Wash the wheels with vigorously with soap and water. This step will clean and mayreduce wheel staining. Flood all areas of the wheel with water to rinse.Dry the wheels completely.Notice:Begin with a small section of the wheel and with light pressure buff off polish andexamine results. ONLY apply and rub with sufficient force and time to remove enoughstaining that you are satisfied with the results. Some wheels may be stained to theextent that you may only achieve a 50% improvement while others may be able to berestored to the original lustre. IN ALL CASES, only apply until the resultsare satisfactory.
Apply 3M Chrome and Metal Polish #39527* with a clean terry cloth towel. As you applythe polish, the staining will be diminished.When dry, buff off the polish with a clean portion of the towel.Repeat application of the 3M Chrome and Metal Polish until satisfied with the results.If continued applications fail to improve the appearance further discontinue use.This procedure will improve the appearance of the wheels and may, with repeated applications,restore the finish dramatically. For wheels that exhibit spotting from road chemicalsthe above procedure may marginally improve the condition but will not restore thefinish or remove the pitting. In this type of staining the wheel finish has actuallybeen removed in spots and no manner of cleaning will restore the finish.
†*We believe this source and their products to be reliable. There may be additionalmanufacturers of such products/materials. General Motors does not endorse, indicateany preference for or assume any responsibility for the products or material fromthis firm or for any such items that may be available from other sources.
Parts Information88865218 (in Canada, use 2675213) | SmartPolish |
12377966 (in Canada, use 2675208) | SmartWax |
1050173 (in Canada, use 2675215) | Chrome Cleaner and Polish |
39527 | 3M Chrome and Metal Polish* (10 oz) |
33002 | PEEK Polish† 100-ml Tube ( |
*This product is currently available from 3M. To obtain information for your localretail location please call 3M at 1-888-364-3577.
†This product is currently available from Tri-Peek International. To obtain informationfor your local retail location please call Tri-Peek at 1-877-615-4272 or at
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
Transmission General Specifications (6T40/6T45/6T50) Automatic Transmission Unit
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