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Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / #07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

Subject:General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

Models: 2014 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks

This bulletin is being revised to add the 2013-2014 model years and remove the SaabWarranty Information. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 07-03-10-015B.

The General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty

This bulletin has been issued to clarify warrantable conditions on GM OEM wheels.It is our intent that this one document will answer many of the warranty scenariosyou are likely to encounter. Unlike other parts of the vehicle, wheels encounter variousroad hazards, corrosive substances and abuses that may present questions in both themind of the customer and the dealer. Eligible conditions are warranted for the fullterm of the NewVehicle Warranty.

Information Sources for Wheel Issues

The following GM Service Bulletins contain information useful to minimizing possibledamage, and reducing customer concerns that may arise through incorrect servicingand improper cleaning products.

#00-03-10-002 – Chemical Staining, Pitting, Corrosion and/or Spotted Appearance ofChromed Aluminum Wheels#04-03-10-012 – Pitting and Brake Dust on Chrome Wheels#06-03-10-004 – Proper Use of OEM Service Wheel Weights, Marring and/or Damage Dueto Use of Non-OEM and/or Incorrect Wheel Weight Installation#06-03-10-010 – Information on Proper Wheel Changing Procedures and CautionsWhat is NOT Warrantable

GM provides many different styles and finishes for our passenger car and truck wheels.You will find both steel and aluminum wheels with painted, polished or chrome finishesavailable. While each of these types must meet GM durability standards for road impactsand finish appearance, there are conditions that are not warrantable.

Curb Impact / Scrapes

Wheels that have been damaged through abuse are not warrantable. Finish scraping andwheel flanges that have been damaged due to curb impact are not warrantable.

Bent Wheel Flanges / Cracked Wheels

Bent wheels and cracked wheels due to road hazards are not warrantable. In many casesbent and cracked wheels result from driving on low tire air pressure or a flat tire.Low tire pressures dramatically reduce the impact protection the wheel has and lowersthe threshold where damage may occur.

Finish Damage / Streaking / Pitting / Corrosion

There are many different types of finish damage possible, resulting from aggressivecleaning products, road chemicals, poor tire changing practices, or manufacturingprocesses. Some of these are warrantable while others indicate abuse. See the FinishDamage sections below, which give examples of the different types of specific finishconcern issues you may encounter.

NON-Warrantable Examples

The following are examples of actual wheels that were returned to General Motors underthe New Vehicle Warranty and have been analyzed and reviewed.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

The wheel above exhibits typical wheel rim damage on the inboard flange, caused bya road hazard. Customer comments may be vibration, air loss, or a wheel that cannotbe balanced. This damage is not warrantable and a Warranty Parts Center (WPC) RegionalFeedback Report was issued on this wheel. (Most WPC Regional Feedback Reports resultin a chargeback of the warranty claim to the dealership.)

Important:Customers whose vehicles have sustained road hazard damage due to poor road surfaceson county or state roads may have recourse through their insurance company or throughthe county or state road commission. These policies vary by area. Contact your countryor state government to check eligibility.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

The photo above illustrates a crack in the wheel from a road hazard. In addition tothe damage seen in the photo, the flange of the wheel was bent in the same area. Customercomments may include, vibration, air loss, or a wheel that cannot be balanced. Thisis not a warrantable condition and does not indicate any defect in the wheel. A FeedbackReport was issued on this wheel.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

The photo above is an example of the over-use of wheel weights to try to overcomeanother issue. This wheel has a bent outboard flange exactly 180° from the application of 79 1/4oz. (7 gr.) wheel weights! This condition is both not-warrantable and an example of incorrect servicing. Ifa wheel and tire assembly will not balance, the wheel should be examined and checkedfor runout. The associated tire should alsobe checked for radial force variation.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

Chemical staining in most cases results from acid based cleaners (refer to Figure1 for an example). These stains are frequently milky, black, or greenish in appearance.They result from using cleaning solutions that contain acids on chrome wheels. Soapand water is usually sufficient to clean wheels.

If the customer insists on using a wheel cleaner they should only use one that specificallystates that it is safe for chromed wheels and does not contain anything in the followinglist.  (Dealers should also survey any products they use during prep or  normal cleaningof stock units for these chemicals. )

Ammonium Bifluoride (fluoride source for dissolution of chrome)Hydrofluoric Acid (directly dissolves chrome)Hydrochloric Acid (directly dissolves chrome)Sodium Dodecylbenzenesulfonic AcidSulfamic AcidPhosphoric AcidHydroxyacetic Acid

Notice:Many wheel cleaner instructions advise to take care to avoid contact with paintedsurfaces. Most customers think of painted surfaces as the fenders, quarter panelsand other exterior sheet metal. Many vehicles have painted brake calipers. Acidicwheel cleaners may craze, crack, or discolor the paint on the brake calipers. Damagefrom wheel cleaners is not covered under the vehicle new car warranty. Soap andwater applied with a soft brush is usually all that is required to clean the calipers.

Whenever any wheel cleaner is used, it must be THOROUGHLY rinsed off of the wheelwith clean, clear water. Special care must be taken to rinse under the hub cap, balanceweights, wheel nuts, lug nut caps, between the wheel cladding and off the back sideof the wheel. Wheels returned to the Warranty Parts Center that exhibit damage fromwheel cleaners most often have the damage around and under the wheel weight wherethe cleaner was incompletelyflushed away.

Notice:Do not use cleaning solutions that contain hydrofluoric, oxalic and most other acidson chrome wheels (or any wheels).

If the customer is unsure of the chemical make-up of a particular wheel cleaner, itshould be avoided.

Important::In some cases when this type of stain is not too severe, it may be possible to improvethe appearance with certain chrome cleaner/polishes. Refer to the latest version ofCorporate Bulletin Number 00-03-10-002 for additional information.

Warrantable Issues

Any defects in the finish, balance, or structure of the wheel resulting from impropermanufacture are covered under the New Vehicle Warranty for the full time and mileagelimits of that warranty. Typical covered finish issues that you may encounter are:

Flaky or pitted chrome on the visible wheel surface indicating poor adhesion of theplating.Polished or machined aluminum wheels that exhibit Filiform Corrosion (chalky whitelines under the clear coating) This condition is warrantable, unless it is causedby incorrect wheel weight application and use.Wheel center caps that exhibit similar conditions to warrantable wheel concerns.Thin or poor paint finish quality on painted wheels. Bubbling / Flaking of the paint.Paint damage incurred during stick-on wheel weight changes. (See Stick-On Wheel WeightPaint Damage or Paint Flaking/Peeling Backside of Wheel)Flaking or peeling on backside surface of wheel indicating poor adhesion of the plating(See Stick-On Wheel Weight Paint Damage or Paint Flaking/Peeling Backside of Wheel).

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

One type of finish concern specific to chromed aluminum wheels is spotting or whatappears as golden colored pits on the surface (See example above). This type of finishconcern is not the fault of any manufacturing or durability shortfall. This dissatisfierresults from corrosive road chemicals used for dust control in some areas. (CalciumChloride) Wheels with this type of corrosion may be eligible to be warranted one time only. Please refer to the latest version Bulletin Number 00-03-10-002 for additional information.

Preparing Wheel(s) for Warranty Return

The wheels returned to General Motors for warranty coverage are evaluated by a teammade up of representatives from Engineering, GM Service, Quality, and the manufacturingOE Wheel Suppliers. During review of returned wheels, a finite amount of time is availableto evaluate each wheel. It may benefit your dealership to observe the following guidelinesfor returning wheels.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels

Please mark the defect in the wheel. You may use a paint pen, grease marker or tapeoff the area. Many times the Repair Order is not clear as to the reported concern.Simply circling the area of concern on the wheel is sufficient.Clean the wheel if it is overly dirty. It is not required that the wheel be polishedor detailed. Returned wheels covered over with dirt/mud create the possibility ofoverlooking a cosmetic flaw that was the subject of the wheel return, creating a possibleFeedback Report.Treat the wheel with care before packing for return. Dismounted wheel rims can bescratched and bent easily if abused before packing. This type of damage can mimicroad/curb damage creating a possible Feedback Report.

Removal of Stick-On Adhesive Backed Wheel Weights

Many “flangeless” design wheels require the use of stick-on or adhesive backed wheelweights. Improper removal of the wheel weights (on chrome plated wheels) may peel,scratch or flake the paint on the interior surface of the wheel. Normally this isof no concern, but on some vehicles with wheels that are of a very open design, theinterior of the wheel may be a visible surface. Here are tips to aid the removal ofthese weights.

Use ONLY Plastic tools for removal of the wheel weights. The best tools to use arecommercially available plastic putty knives or a plastic accusative trim removal tool.Use the tapered end of the tool to remove the wheel weight. These plastic tools aredelicate on the painted surfaces serving to “push” the adhesive off the surface ratherthan scraping.Any adhesive left on the wheel may be cleaned with an automotive adhesive removersuch as 3M General Purpose Adhesive Remover #08984 or equivalent.In most cases you will not encounter any difficulty with OEM painted aluminum wheels.Fully painted wheels have a robust paint application process that cannot be matchedand duplicated. Chromed aluminum wheels have an air dry paint applied to the backside of the wheel, which is applied over a chromed surface. If a chromed aluminumwheel paint on the interior of the wheel peels, refer to the section below.

Stick-On Wheel Weight Paint Damage or Paint Flaking/Peeling Backside of Wheel (ChromedAluminum Wheels)

Under no circumstances should the wheel be replaced for this type of damage. Damagecaused by improper removal, metal tool scrapes and gouges should not be submitted.If you encounter a wheel where the paint has peeled, you may repaint the backsideof the wheel.

GM currently uses two all-purpose colors to paint the inside of the wheel area. Bothcolors are a flat paint available in a very light silver or dark silver. Follow allmanufacturers instructions when refinishing and refer to the GM Labor Time Guide forMaterial Allowances noting the warranty information below.

Aluminum Wheel Paint Codes


Paint Code

Light Silver Metallic


Dark Silver Metallic


Warranty Information

Use the following Labor Operation when repairing a vehicle under warranty.

You are allowed to claim ONE-HALF the total amount of allowable time and materialsas only the back side of the wheel is being repainted in this operation.

Labor Operation


Labor Time


Wheels, Aluminum - Color/Clear Coat - One

Use Published Labor Operation Time

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#07-03-10-015C: General Motors New Vehicle Wheel Warranty Coverage - (May 17, 2013) Wheels


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