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Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #06-00-89-026L: Warranty Administration - Revised Customer Concern Not Duplicated (CCND)/Verified Labor Operation Numbers/How to Submit CCND Transactions...

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Vehicle - General / #06-00-89-026L: Warranty Administration - Revised Customer Concern Not Duplicated (CCND)/Verified Labor Operation Numbers/How to Submit CCND Transactions...

Subject:Warranty Administration – Revised Customer Concern Not Duplicated (CCND) / VerifiedLabor Operation Numbers/How to Submit CCND Transactions in Global Warranty Management

#06-00-89-026L: Warranty Administration - Revised Customer Concern Not Duplicated (CCND)/Verified Labor Operation Numbers/How to Submit CCND Transactions in Global Warranty Management (GWM) - (Aug 26, 2013)

Models: 2014 and Prior GM Cars and Light Duty Trucks

This bulletin has been revised to update the labor operations. Please discard CorporateBulletin Number 06-00-89-026K.

Below is list of the labor operations and descriptions for "Customer Concern Not Duplicated/Verified"(CCND) conditions and guidelines to follow when using them. For a complete list ofguidelines involving the use of CCND labor operations, please refer to the ServicePolicies and Procedures Manual (Section 1.5.6).


Customer Concern Not Duplicated Labor Operations Numbers


Example of Proper Usage


Electronics - Safety / Lighting / Keyless Entry / Theft Alarm

Customer states SIR light has come on but is now off. Performed related system verificationprocedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern.



Customers states ABS / TCS / Stability Control light came on, but now it’s off. Scantool shows history code. Cleared code, followed system verification with no troublefound and unable to duplicate concern.


Axle, Differential or Rear Drive Module (RWD and AWD Vehicles

Customers states driveline noise, vibration or intermittent All Wheel Drive LightOn. Followed SI procedures to identify driveline noise / vibration or cause of theAWD indicator and unable to duplicate concerns.



Customer states that OnStar® will not connect to an advisor. Performed related systemverification procedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern.



Customer states sound from the rear speakers pops or distorts. Performed related systemverification procedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern.


Cluster / Head UP Display

Customer states cluster backlighting does not illuminate. Performed related systemverification procedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern.


Engine CCND - Engine Controls and Fuel

Customers states engine light was on with a fuel related DTC, followed system verificationprocedure for DTC as indicated and unable to duplicate the concern.


12V Battery / 12V Charging System

Customer states vehicle would not start/crank. Performed related system verificationprocedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern.

Note:Use 4041512 for battery charge & test.



Customer is not satisfied with exhaust, either a boom, tone, etc., followed exhaustnoise diagnosis with no trouble found and unable to duplicate concern. Determinedexhaust is no different from other like vehicles.


Engine CCND – Engine Mechanical

Customer states engine making abnormal noise or leaking fluid, followed SI diagnosisfor noise or leaks and was unable to duplicate customer concern.


Heating and Air Condition

Customer states A/C system not cold enough. Performed system verification for A/Csystem. Temperature is found to be within specifications.


Hybrid Electronics & Hybrid Charging

Customer states vehicle will not charge at home charging station, Performed relatedsystem verification procedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicateconcern.



Customer states steering noise / whine when turning at parking lot speeds at coldtemperatures. Followed SI procedures and was unable to duplicate.



Customer states front suspension noise over bumps. Followed SI procedures to diagnosefront suspension noise and was unable to duplicate concern.


Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

(For Tire and Wheel Concerns See 8069939)

Customer states pressure value for one tire is not displayed on DIC. Performed relatedsystem verification procedure in SI with no trouble found and unable to duplicateconcern.


Tires and Wheels (For Tire Pressure Monitoring System Concerns See 8059949

Customers states a tire vibration accompanied by a thumping noise is heard at highwayspeeds. Road tested and checked tire balance. Unable to duplicate concerns.


Transfer Case

Customer states vehicle does switch between 2 and 4 wheel drive, followed SI diagnosticsfor transfer case and was unable to duplicate customer concern.


Manual Transmission-Clutch

Customers states the clutch does not engage properly when shifting, followed SI proceduresfor clutch feel and was unable to duplicate customer concern.


Manual Transmission

Customs states the vehicle does not shift properly, followed SI diagnostics for shiftproblems and was unable to duplicate the customer concern.


Automatic transmission

Customer states the vehicle does not shift properly, followed SI diagnostics for shiftproblems and was unable to duplicate the customer concern.


Notice:In some cases the subject vehicle may be operating as intended but not in line withthe expectations of the customer. This type of outcome does NOT fall under the definitionof Customer Concern Not Duplicated. In cases where the vehicle is operating as intendedbut not in-line with customer expectations, service management should submit a FieldProduct Report. Refer to the latest version of Corporate BulletinNumber 02-00-89-002 (10-00-89-006 for Canada) for additional information on how tosubmit a field product report.


Clarification Regarding Use of CCND Engine Mechanical

4069919 – Engine CCND – Engine Mechanical

Customer reports engine concern. Service technician collects relevant operating andenvironmental conditions from customer during concern event and attempts to replicate/mitigateconcern. Technician evaluates ECM for any engine diagnostic trouble codes and followsfault tree for any identified P-code(s). Technician investigates any pending ProductInformation and/or Product Bulletins that may apply to the customer concern. Servicetechnician is unable to reproduce concern, confirms there are no pending product informationbulletins and is unable to identify a problem with the vehicle. This labor operationshould not be used for a MIL active complaint or non-engine related issues.

4029929 – Engine CCND – Engine Controls and Fuel

This labor operation should only be used for engine malfunction indicator lamp concernswhen the technician is unable to identify a problem and/or duplicate the concern.An engine diagnostic trouble code (Pxxxx code) must be identified in the ECM to usethis labor operation. The diagnostic trouble code(s) should be documented on the techniciancopy of the repair order. The service technician should follow the fault tree forthe identified P-code(s) and investigate any pending Product Information and/or ProductBulletins that may apply to those code(s). 4029929 labor operation should not be usedfor the P0700 DTC. P0700 is specific to the transmission system must be applied toa transmission labor operation.

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#06-00-89-026L: Warranty Administration - Revised Customer Concern Not Duplicated (CCND)/Verified Labor Operation Numbers/How to Submit CCND Transactions in Global Warranty Management (GWM) - (Aug 26, 2013)


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