Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #04-00-89-015E: Warranty Administration - Required Operating Procedures (U.S. Only) - (Jun 20, 2013)

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Vehicle - General / #04-00-89-015E: Warranty Administration - Required Operating Procedures (U.S. Only) - (Jun 20, 2013)

Subject:Warranty Administration – Required Operating Procedures (U.S. Only)

#04-00-89-015E: Warranty Administration - Required Operating Procedures (U.S. Only) - (Jun 20, 2013)

Models: 2014 and Prior GM Cars and Trucks
Attention: GM of Canada Service Agents are not authorized to utilize this service bulletin. GMof Canada Agents should reference the General Motors of Canada Limited Service Policiesand Procedures Manual.

This bulletin has been revised to update content and incorporate the U.S. versionof Bulletin 12-00-89-003. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number♦04-00-89-015D.

The following 10 points are taken in part from the GM Service Policies and ProcedureManual (P&P) and Global Warranty Management User’s Manual. These reference guidescan be found in the Policies & Procedures link under Workbenches-Service on GlobalConnect.


Each customer pay and warranty job card is to be signed by the customer authorizingthe Service Agent to perform the requested service.

This must be obtained at initial write up and prior to any repairs being performed.If Service Agent is unable to obtain a customer signature, service management muststate the reason and sign the job card, prior to any repairs being performed (Refer to for requirements).Any alternate customer condition/signature document such as an early-bird envelopemust be retained.Customer is to be provided with a copy of the initial write-up document job card.For vehicles in dealer inventory, all repairs must be authorized and signed by servicemanagement prior to the work being performed.Pre-write-up documents without complete customer and vehicle information are not acceptable.

There must be a clear understanding of responsibility for charges at the time thejob card is written and while the customer is present. Any changes regarding who isresponsible for the charges require service management authorization before the workis performed.

The shop copy of the job card must show the service management authorization and thereason for the change.If charges that were initially believed to be covered under warranty will now be givento the customer, they must be contacted for authorization prior to the work beingperformed.IVH (Investigate Vehicle History) must be referenced to ensure the warranty is stillvalid on the vehicle and that no Warranty Blocks or Branded Title Information is present.The Applicable Warranties section of IVH should also be referenced to verify the differenttypes of coverage that may exist on the vehicle. Emissions coverage’s are differentin some states, and vehicles originally sold with a different coverage are entitledto the appropriate length of coverage.Aftermarket equipment or aftermarket calibrations must be noted, if applicable, andan explanation should be given to the customer that GM's policy is that damage causedby aftermarket equipment/calibration is not covered under the terms of the New VehicleLimited Warranty.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Articles 1.6.2,


Service management approval in the form of a signature, date and explanation, is themethod of documenting the involvement and consent of dealership service managementprior to the work being performed. Service management initials are not acceptable.

Each Service Agent must designate one person within the service management departmentfor each technician shift, who is responsible and held accountable for all approvalsand warranty authorizations. This would be the service manager or director. Servicetechnicians, service advisors, warranty administrators, other support or hourly personnelare not to be empowered for these types of management approvals.

Approval is required, but not limited to the following:

Customer signature not availableWork added after initial write-up *All parts warranty transactions (ZPTI and ZPTC)Any transaction which requires authorization for other labor hours and/or repeat repairsCustomer concern not duplicated labor operation numbersCustomer reimbursementsAll transactions outside of Service Agent empowermentAll Goodwill or Customer Enthusiasm decisions made within the warranty period madefor customer satisfaction reasonsAll policy transactionsCar rental in excess of 2 daysAll warranty repairs to new and used vehicles in dealer inventoryReplacements of any components in pairsWheel alignment, balance, tire/wheel replacement operations under 500 miles or greaterthan 7500 milesWindshield replacements beyond 10,000 miles (Latest version of Bulletin Number 05-08-48-001)

* Any repair work added to the job card after the initial write-up must be enteredand identified on the job card using the terminology “added operation” along withthe time and date. It must be verified and approved with a signature from servicemanagement, date, time, and explanation on the job card prior to the work being performed.

Your dealership’s approval / authorization profile may vary dependent upon the levelof empowerment provided. Questions regarding empowerment level should be direct toyour General Motors Representative.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article, and Global WarrantyManagement User Manual Section


A clear and concise job card write-up is a requirement. All customer condition(s),cause(s), and correction comments must be documented completely with as much informationavailable concerning when, where and how often the condition occurs.

The job card must contain a description of each customer condition.The service advisor is responsible for confirming each customer concern as writtenon the job card. Vaguely written job card descriptions such as "repair oil leak,""engine stalls," “Service Engine soon light on” or coded descriptions of customerconcerns are not acceptable. See Article 1.5.5 of GM Service P&P for additional information.When necessary, use of the Customer Concern Verification sheets from the latest versionof Bulletin Number 01-00-89-010 (contained in article 4.1.7 COMEBACK PREVENTION TOOL)should be used to capture the owner concern.

Note:The GM Customer Verification Worksheet should be used to help capture a better descriptionof the customer concern. Technicians find these very helpful in completing repairswith more quality and efficiency. They are also helpful in reducing shop comebackstherefore aiding in customer loyalty. The GM Diagnostic Worksheet referred to in article4.1.7 can also be found in Global Connect under the Service Workbenchtab. Access Service Forms and look for the link that corresponds to this CorporateService Bulletin number.

Repair diagnosis time is published in the Labor Time Guide with appropriate laboroperations. Customers must not be charged for diagnosis time related to warranty repairs.IVH (Investigate Vehicle History) must be referenced to ensure that there are no RequiredField Actions on the vehicle. If information exists in the Required Field Action section,it should be discussed with the customer and added to the job card.Each technician is responsible to record an accurate description of what was foundas the cause of the customers condition and what was done to correct the condition.The technician must document on the shop copy of the job card all on-board diagnosticcodes (DTCs), test equipment readings, Suspension alignment before/after readings,Brake rotor/drum before/after readings, appropriate specifications, adjustments, circuitnumbers, descriptive locations and indicators. Coded descriptions are not acceptable.Technician documentation should include all relevant observations and is not limitedtothe items listed above.The complete cause of the failure and a detailed correction as stated by the technicianon the shop copy must be transferred to all other copies of the job card/invoice bythe Warranty Administrator or appropriate service management personnel.The appropriate labor operation should be assigned after the entire Condition, Causeand Correction have been documented on all copies of the job card.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article 1.6.2, and Global Warranty ManagementUser Manual section II


In unusual instances where OLH is required, the technician must obtain the writtenapproval of service management before the work is performed. A detailed explanationfor the OLH must be recorded on the job card. Each labor operation that contains OLHrequires separate on/off time recording on the job card.

Service management approval, in the form of an explanation with date, time and signatureis required for the technician to proceed with other labor hours. Service managementis responsible for the reasonableness of the OLH request. The job card must recordthe reason for other labor hours. Technician must detail failure and steps taken tofacilitate repairs. Vague comments such as metal throughout are not acceptable. Separateon/offtime punches are required for each labor operation with other labor hours, includingon/off time associated with diagnosis time beyond published variable diagnosis time.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article


The name, initials and/or code of the technician(s) performing a repair is to be recordedon all copies of the job card corresponding to each line of the repair. Team codesare not acceptable. All customer pay, warranty, policy and internal job card timemust be accountable through the technician’s time and payroll records. Punch timeson the job card must include the date along with the actual punch time. Each technicianis to be assigneda single, unique employee number. Assigning multiple employee numbers to an individualservice technician is not allowed. All technicians payroll records must reflect theactual time and date the vehicle was serviced. A technician may only be working andclocked “on” to one vehicle per service event (transaction submission). Multiple clock-onperiods that reflect the servicing of multiple vehicles by one technician is not allowed.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article


All parts used in the completion of warranty repairs are to be recorded on the jobcard.

Part numbers must be cross-referenced (line coded) on the job card to the specificrepair in which they apply.All warranty parts removed must be returned to the parts department for proper tagging, retention, and return/disposition as required by the GM Service P & P ineffect on the date of the job card. When parts are provided in the form of a kit andonly a portion of the parts are required to perform the repair, any unused componentsof the kit should be returned and held for return/disposition.All replaced parts with visible defects must have the defective area clearly marked.PQC assembly returns – Retain all required documentation as stated in the latest versionof Bulletin Number 02-07-30-029.

Service Agents are to retain for inspection all warranty parts for a minimum of fifteen(15) days from the date of credit or until scrapped by a GM representative, whicheveroccurs first. Parts that have a “core” value are not required to be held for thisperiod. If no return request is received 24 hours after the Service Agent receivesa Transaction Summary Report (Credit/Claim Memo) showing payment, the specified corepart(s) shouldbe returned to GM or to a GM approved rebuilder/remanufacturer.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article 1.6.2, 1.7.3 and Global Warranty ManagementUser Manual Section VII


Service management is responsible to ensure that the proper labor operation and labortime is recorded on the job card. It is critically important that the correct laboroperation is used along with the complaint code, failure code and the failed partnumber.

Technicians are not allowed to assign labor operations and times from the Labor TimeGuide.Section of the GM Service Policies and Procedures Manual states that one customerconcern should result in one repair line. Any exceptions to this must be brought tothe Service Manager’s attention by the technician before repairs are performed. ServiceManagement inspection and documented pre-approval is required when performing multiplerepairs for one customer concern (add-ons). Additionally, other labor hours (OLH)claimedon a transaction must be supported by separate technician time records, either electronicallyor through time clock punches. Each customer complaint must have only one repair laboroperation assigned, unless otherwise directed by a GM Service Bulletin. The laboroperation must describe the repair for the failed component.If one part fails and causes the failure of another part, the causal failure laboroperation is used and the causal part identified. All additional parts and labor wouldbe placed on the same job card line. For example, if a battery leaks and causes damageto cables. The failed battery caused the cable failure, and therefore would be submittedwith only the battery labor operation. Since the cables are already disconnected atoneend when replacing the battery, and there is no diagnosis time associated with thecables, the other labor hours would be less than the full labor time guide allowancefor cable replacement.Overlapping repairs are not eligible for the complete time published in the LaborTime Guide and should only reflect the amount of time used to complete the repair.(A customer condition of driver's side power window and power door lock inoperativewould result in an overlap to remove the door panel. The labor time on the secondoperation should be reduced for the door panel labor and submitted appropriately.Refer to the latest version of Corporate Bulletin 12-00-89-003 for additional information.All warranty job cards are to include the proper labor operation number, complaintcode, failure code and published GM labor time for each repair case. One complaint,one repairing labor operation.If a repair of the same item is needed again as a result of improper inspection, diagnosisor workmanship, the repair is not eligible for additional warranty transaction payments.If a repair of the same item is needed again as a result of a failure of a part uponinstallation, the additional part is included in the same warranty transaction line.Example: An ECM will not take a program and a second module is required. 2 moduleswould be charged out to the same repair line with an explanation of the additionalpart. (If a part fails upon installation during a customer pay repair, the ServiceAgent shouldopen a second line and submit as a ZPTI parts warranty. This would require ServiceManager’s approval).Multiple concerns can have one or more labor codes depending upon the cause(s). Ifthere are multiple concerns and different causes aligned to each concern, then eachone should have a separate labor code. If there are multiple concerns but only onecause, then only one labor code should be used.Combined left/right or front/rear repairs or part replacements are not normally necessaryunless specifically indicated in service information and GM has determined both sidesshould be replaced in pairs if the second side indicates wear. For these repairs,the Labor Time Guide will include either an add condition or a unique labor code forboth sides. If the technician believes both sides should be replaced and there isn’tan addcondition or unique labor code, the generic labor code should be used and the secondpart claimed as a secondary part and the labor time as OLH. The additional OLH timeshould be less than replacing one side since the repair set up time included in everylabor time is not necessary. This is the only situation where the OLH/straight timeon/off punch times are not required. In addition, if there is time to access the partthat has already occurredin replacing the primary part, that time should be excluded.If the Labor Time Guide or a Service Bulletin provides a labor operation to use for“both” or “all” parts involved in a particular repair, that labor operation and thepublished time should always be used. Example: GM dictates a repair process for replacingboth sides (pairs) when only one side failed. If a situation arises where only onelabor code is listed and the repair is for both left and right (or front and back),then usethe published labor code and put the additional labor time for the opposite side repairin OLH.The appropriate labor operation should be assigned to each complaint (line) unlessthe complaints are related and then the transaction would be submitted based on thelabor operation descriptions. Example: If a customer complains of a defect on theleft front side door trim panel and also complains of a defect on the right rear sidedoor trim panel, the job card should be written to reflect both complaints separately.The transactionwould need to be submitted for Front Side Door Trim Panel 1042980 on one line andRear Side Door Trim Panel 1042980 on another line. The transaction will require properauthorization to avoid a reject for Repeat Repair because the labor times do not allowfor “add” time or for “both.There may be times when the customer expressed ONE complaint, but it is actually TWOcomplaints and should be written up as two separate lines. Example: Customer complainsthere is a pulsation from front and rear rotors. This should be written up as twolines. There is a labor op available for the front rotor resurfacing/replacement andone for the rear rotor resurfacing/replacement. Both should be utilized.If the customer has two related complaints and Labor Time Guide does not have twoseparate labor operations, the same labor code must be used for both complaints: Example:A customer complains of a defect on the left front side door trim panel and also complainsof a defect on the right front side door trim panel. The labor operation in this exampleis the same for the left as it is for the right. So, Front Side Door Trim Panel1042980 would be used for both repairs. However, since you cannot use the same laboroperation for two lines, the transaction would need to be entered with one line with1042980 and the time associated with it. Then the second repair (right side) wouldbe entered as OLH with the 1042980 line.For paint repairs involving multiple panels, paint mix time can only be claimed once.Include paint mix time on one of the repair lines, and the labor time for each additionalpanel on separate lines.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Articles 1.5.6, 1.5.12,,


The following policies apply for repairs sublet by the Service Agent to repair shops(including other repair locations owned by the Service Agent):

Sublet repairs will be reimbursed at the Service Agent’s actual cost less any discountsor allowances that apply to the sublet invoice or made available to the Service Agenton non-warranty repairs. Repairs are not to exceed the Service Agent’s parts and/orLabor Time Guide allowance for the same repair. See GM Policies & Procedures Article1.2.4, 1.5.8 for reimbursement details.Only Genuine GM parts are to be used.Dealer supplied parts used in the performance of sublet warranty repairs are eligiblefor the appropriate handling allowance.Sublet repairs must not be shown on a warranty transaction as a Service Agent performedrepair. If repair is performed by the Service Agents’ bodyshop, then warranty transactionmust reflect labor and parts as such and sublet net item is not allowed.Sublet invoices are to contain customer name, VIN, date of repair or job card numberand a complete description or repairs performed.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Articles 1.5.8, 1.5.10, 1.6.2 and Global WarrantyManagement User Manual Section


Only the author of technician comments may alter or change comments on job cards.

Any changes made to the final job card are to be made using established accountingprocedures to account for all adjustments.After the job card is closed, a customer should be given a copy showing all repairinformation regardless whether repairs are covered by warranty or are customer paidrepairs.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article


If the replacement part is not in stock, the Service Agent should make every attemptto obtain the part locally.

Service Agent should use the dealer trade portion of the parts expediting program.If the part is not locally available, Service Agent should use the parts expeditingprogram to obtain the part through GM Customer Care and Aftersales (GMCCA).Dealership employees should ensure the part is ordered appropriately for arrival onthe next day. In some cases the part may need to be ordered CSO-3 to ensure next daydelivery.If the part is on national back order, a SPAC case should be initiated immediately.RIM Stratification Enhancements & PDC Inventory and Process Enhancements will includethese benefits: new model part stocking policies to improve same day servicing, automaticupgrade to SPAC when CSO for Service Lane Parts are not available at the local PDC.In these instances, GM will pay for overnight shipping. Dealers will also be ableto write parts orders later in the day for next day shipments from their local PDC.

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Articles 1.5.6, 1.5.12,

Reference: GM Policies & Procedures Article 1.5.18, 1.6.2 and the latest version ofWarranty Administration Bulletin Number 99-00-89-021

Any questions regarding this information should be directed to your General MotorsRepresentative. Approval or authorization of a transaction by a GM Representativedoes not constitute final determination that the transaction meets all of the requirementsof the GM Policy and Procedure manual relating to claim payments. General Motors reservesthe right to audit this transaction, consistent with applicable law, to ensure compliancewiththe applicable policy and procedure manual. Authorization of this transaction by theWarranty Support Center does not waive GM's audit rights or release the Service Agentfrom responsibility to fully comply with the policy and procedure manual.

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#04-00-89-015E: Warranty Administration - Required Operating Procedures (U.S. Only) - (Jun 20, 2013)


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