Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Stitcher Internet Radio

Stitcher SmartRadio™ is an Internet radio service that streams news, sports, and entertainmentshows through the audio system. Create personalized, on-demand stations or discovernew shows through Stitcher's preset stations. To set up an account, download the applicationfrom the Android Market or iTunes Store, or go to

A phone or tablet with Internet connection is required for this application. Personalcell phone data plans are used. Make sure the latest version is installed on the deviceand the volume on the device is turned up.

BlackBerry phones are not supported for this application.

To install Stitcher:

On an Android phone or Tablet with Internet connection, go to the Android Play Store,search for Stitcher, and install to the phone, not to the SD card.On an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to the iTunes Store and search for Stitcher.Launching Stitcher

Connect the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to the USB port, or connect Android throughBluetooth. SeeAuxiliary DevicesorBluetooth. For first-time use, set up the stations before connecting to the vehicle. The Stitchericon will be available on the Home Page and source pop-up displays if the latest applicationis installed on the device.

Using the iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad

Plug the device into the USB port. The phone screen must be unlocked.Use one of the following to launch:Press the application on the device.Press Stitcher on the Home Page.Press b / g and say “Stitcher” or “Tune Stitcher.”Accept any notification on the screen of the device.If Stitcher does not begin playing, select a category and then a station.

After Stitcher has been launched, press SOURCE or SRC on the steering wheel controls to access Stitcher features.

If nothing happens when the available Stitcher screen button is pressed, downloadthe latest Stitcher application and retry.

Stitcher will always be highlighted on the Home Page when an iPhone, iPad, or iPodtouch is connected using the USB port. To use, log into your account.

If the “Please See Device” message is shown, the login screen may display on the device.

If the "Please Unlock the Phone or Restart the App and Try again" message is shown, then the phone may be locked. Unlock the phone, close the app,then restart the app and make sure the Home Page is visible on the phone/device.

Using an Android Phone

Pair the Android phone using Bluetooth.Use one of the following to launch:Press the application on the device.Press Stitcher on the Home Page.Press b / g and say “Stitcher” or “Tune Stitcher.”If Stitcher does not begin playing, select a category and then a station.

After Stitcher has been launched, press SOURCE or SRC on the steering wheel controls to access Stitcher features.

If nothing happens when the available Stitcher screen button is pressed, downloadthe latest Stitcher application and retry.

If the “Please See Device” message is shown, the login screen may display on the device.

If the “Please Unlock the Phone or Restart the App and Try again” message is shown, then your phone may be locked. Unlock the phone, close the app,then restart the app to ensure proper communication.

Stitcher Menus

Press Menu on the Stitcher main page.

Stitcher Internet Radio

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Stitcher has a menu system with the following:

My On Demand Stations

Displays a list of favorite stations and shows.

Select and store programs as favorites on the device. Favorite station lists can becreated to include favorite shows which can be accessed through My On Demand Stations.

Stitcher Station Categories

Displays categories by topic.

When a category then sub-category is selected, the radio will start playing the firstprogram in that sub-category.

Turn the MENU/SEL knob to bring up the first 24 stations of that subcategory.

Current Station Playlist

While listening to a show, turn the MENU/SEL knob to display the menu list of shows available for the current station.

Stitcher Features

Stitcher service has features to rate or skip shows, or change stations.

Stitcher Internet Radio


⋆ (Favorites)

When pressed, the current show is added to the favorites station.

, (Thumbs Down)

When pressed, Stitcher changes to the next show. This helps Stitcher provide a personalizedlistening experience.

- (Thumbs Up)

When pressed, Stitcher stores this information and -is highlighted for the remainder of the show. This helps Stitcher provide a personalizedlistening experience.

d (Next Show)

When pressed, Stitcher changes to the next show.

k (Play/Pause)

Press on the radio to pause playback. Press again to resume.

Stitcher Advertisement

Stitcher may display advertisements. Artist name and title may not display and theskip track button is not available.

Switching Between Pandora and Stitcher

To switch between Pandora and Stitcher, press the application icon on the iPhone,iPod touch, or iPad. This is not required for Android devices. SeePandora Internet Radio.

Stitcher Troubleshooting

Unable to Connect Device to Vehicle

If the device is unable to connect to the USB or Bluetooth:

Turn the vehicle off.Remove the key from the ignition.Open and close the driver door, wait about 30 seconds, and try to connect the deviceagain.

The battery saver and task manager applications on the phone can cause Stitcher tofunction incorrectly. Remove those apps from the phone or remove Stitcher and Bluetoothfrom the task lists.

Unable to Start Stitcher

If the device is unable to launch Stitcher:

Check that the latest version of Stitcher is installed.Check that there is an active account logged into Stitcher.For Android devices, check that the device is paired with the vehicle, and the Bluetoothicon on the display is highlighted.For iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad devices, check that the USB cable is connected tothe USB port and the screen is unlocked and the Home Page is showing.Close Stitcher on the device and launch again. Devices that allow multitasking mayrequire an extra step to quit the Stitcher application. See the cell phone manufacturer'suser guide.

Loss of Audio

Loss of Stitcher audio can happen due to:

Weak or lost data connection.Device needs to be charged.Application needs to be relaunched.Connection between phone and radio is lost.If any iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad is connected to Bluetooth and the dock connector,go to the Airplay icon on the device and select dock connector or disconnect and reconnectthe dock connector on the device.The volume is too low. Turn up the volume on the device.

If the connection is lost between the application and device, a message “Please Unlock the Phone or Restart the App and Try again” will display. Press OK to retry.

If pressing OK does not clear the issue, see “Please Unlock the Phone or Restart the App and Try again” under “Common Stitcher Messages” following.

Common Stitcher Messages

Please Try Again Later

A general error has occurred. A data connection may be unavailable due to a weak orlost signal or the Stitcher service being temporarily down. Press OK to continue.

Paused or Audio Paused

Playback is paused on the radio or device. Press k or play on the device.

Please See Device

When not logged in or when authentication failed, see the device. Press OK to continue. Disconnect the phone from the radio and follow the Stitcher accountlogin process on the phone.

No Stations Found

Logged in but no stations have been created. Press OK to continue.

Please Choose a New Station

The end of the station has been reached and there is no more content to play. Selecta new station through the Stitcher menu.

Please Unlock the Phone or Restart the App and Try again

Communication failure between the radio and the phone application or the device islocked.

See for more information. If the service will not work, sendan e-mail to or see your dealer for assistance.

Software Updates
See the websites for more information.Website InformationIn the U.S., see or www.gmc.comIn Canada, see or ...

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