Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction Driveshafts Propeller Shaft Assembly

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Driveline / Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction Driveshafts Propeller Shaft Assembly

One Piece Propeller Shaft Phasing Correction

An out of phase single-piece propeller shaft is very unusual.If the phasing inspection procedure revealed that prop shaft is notphased correctly, the welded yokes are in the wrong position, orthe shaft is damaged due to twisting and the propeller shaftrequires replacement to restore proper cancellation of theU-joints.

Multiple-Piece Propeller Shaft Phasing CorrectionIf the phasing inspection procedure revealed that a propshaft is not phased correctly to the mating slip yoke, the end yokeis welded on in the wrong position, the slip yoke is mis-aligned tothe stub shaft, or the shaft is damaged due to twisting.If the shaft if visibly damaged, it requiresreplacement.If the shaft exhibits no visual physical defects or damage,perform the following:Remove the slip yoke from the stub shaft to determine if itis possible to reinstall the slip yoke in a different position onthe stub shaft.If the stub shaft is keyed to ensure proper alignment of thestub shaft and the slip yoke, then the propeller shafts requirereplacement to restore proper cancellation of the U-joints.If the stub shaft is not keyed, attempt to re-align the frontshaft and slip yoke to each other. Repeat the inspection procedureto confirm the results.If proper phasing cannot be obtained, the propeller shaftrequires replacement to restore proper cancellation of theU-joints.
Driveline Working Angles Adjustment
Note:This procedure is intended to be used for vehicles where thefollowing conditions are met:Vehicle trim heights are within specificationguidelines.The vehicle exhibits no signs of aftermarket modif ...

Propeller Shaft Runout Specifications Driveshafts Propeller Shaft Assembly
Propeller Shaft Runout SpecificationsApplicationFront RunoutCenter RunoutRear RunoutStub Shaft RunoutMetricEnglishMetricEnglishMetricEnglishMetricEnglish1 Piece Propeller Shaft – Guideline1.17-mm0.0 ...

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Wheel Replacement
Replace any wheel that is bent, cracked, or badly rusted or corroded. If wheel nuts keep coming loose, the wheel, wheel bolts, and wheel nuts should be replaced. If the wheel leaks air, replace it. Some aluminum wheels can be repaired. See your dealer if any of these conditions exist. ...

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