Remove knock sensor connector-(4) from the oillevel indicator tube.Remove the electrical wiring harness from the oil levelindicator tube.Remove the oil level indicator tube bracketbolt-(3).Remove the oil level indicator-(2) and the oillevel indicator tube-(1) from the oil pan.Inspect the O-ring and replace if necessary.
Engine Coolant Thermostat Replacement (LFX) Engine Cooling Thermostat
Engine Coolant Thermostat ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the engine cooling thermostat housing. Refer toEngine Coolant Thermostat Housing Replacement.1Bolt (Qty:-3)Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten10-Y (89-lb-in)2Engine Cooling Thermostat Gasket3Engine Cooling The ...