The rear suspension system on this vehicle is of theindependent link type. The rear suspension system performs thefollowing functions:
Maintains the relationship of the rear axle to thebodyControls the torque reaction on acceleration andbrakingThe rear coil springs are retained between the spring seat inthe lower control arm. Rubber insulators isolate the coil spring atboth top and bottom.
The suspension system consists of the followingcomponents:
Support assemblyCoil springsStabilizer shaft, insulators, and stabilizer linksToe linkUpper control armLower control armTrailing armKnucklesWheel bearing/hubShock absorbersSpark Plug Inspection Engine Control
Spark Plug UsageEnsure that the correct spark plug is installed. An incorrect spark plug causes driveabilityconditions. Refer to the Electronic Parts Catalog.Spark Plug InspectionInspect the terminal post (1) for damage.Inspect for a bent or broken terminal post-(1).Test for a loose terminal post (1 ...