Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Disc Brake System Description and Operation Disc Brakes

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Disc Brake System Description and Operation Disc Brakes

System Component Description

The disc brake system consists of the followingcomponents:

Disc Brake Pads

Applies mechanical output force from the hydraulic brakecalipers to friction surfaces of brake rotors.

Disc Brake Rotors

Uses mechanical output force applied to friction surfacesfrom the disc brake pads to slow speed of tire and wheel assemblyrotation.

Disc Brake Pad Hardware

Secures disc brake pads firmly in proper relationship to thehydraulic brake calipers. Enables a sliding motion of brake padswhen mechanical output force is applied.

Disc Brake Caliper Hardware (Floating Caliper)

Provides mounting for hydraulic brake caliper and secures thecaliper firmly in proper relationship to caliper bracket. Enables asliding motion of the brake caliper to the brake pads whenmechanical output force is applied.

System Operation (Floating Caliper)

Mechanical output force is applied from the hydraulic brakecaliper pistons to the inner brake pads. As the pistons press theinner brake pads outward, the caliper housings draw the outer brakepads inward. This allows the output force to be equallydistributed. The brake pads apply the output force to the frictionsurfaces on both sides of the brake rotors, which slows therotation of the tire and wheel assemblies. The correct function ofboth the brake pad and brake caliper hardware is essential for evendistribution of braking force.

System Operation (Fixed Caliper)

Mechanical output force is applied from the hydraulic brakecaliper inboard and outboard pistons to the inner and outer brakepads. The brake calipers are a fixed, opposed-piston design,allowing the output force to be equally distributed through thedistribution of the pressurized brake fluid within the caliper. Thebrake pads apply the output force to the friction surfaces on bothsides of the brake rotors, which slows the rotation of the tire andwheel assemblies. The correct function of the brake pad hardwareand of the brake caliper inboard and outboard pistons is essentialfor even distribution of braking force.

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