Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Airbag Side Impact Sensor Replacement - Rear Side Door Restraints Control Crash Sensors

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Restraints / Airbag Side Impact Sensor Replacement - Rear Side Door Restraints Control Crash Sensors

Airbag Side Impact Sensor Replacement - Rear Side Door Restraints Control Crash Sensors

Inflatable Restraint Side Impact Sensor Replacement - Rear Side Door


Component Name

Warning:When performing service on or near the SIR components or theSIR wiring, the SIR system must be disabled. Refer to SIR Disablingand Enabling . Failure to observe the correct procedure could causedeployment of the SIR components, personal injury, or unnecessarySIR system repairs.

Warning:Do not strike or jolt the inflatable restraint side impactsensor (SIS). Before applying power to the SIS make sure that it issecurely fastened. Failure to observe the correct installationprocedures could cause SIR deployment, personal injury, orunnecessary SIR system repairs.

Preliminary ProceduresDisable the supplemental inflatable restraint (SIR) system.Refer toSIR Disabling and Enabling.Remove the rear side door trim panel. Refer toRear Side Door Trim Panel Replacement.


Inflatable Restraint Rear Side Door Impact SensorAssembly

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.

ProcedureLoosen the fastener and slide sensor out of key holeslot.The bolt is integral to the sensor assembly, DO NOT removeseparately.

Tip:The sensor is located on the inside of the rear door innerpanel.



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