Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #09-00-89-002H: Properly Maintaining Vehicles in Dealer Inventory - (Mar 25, 2013)

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Vehicle - General / #09-00-89-002H: Properly Maintaining Vehicles in Dealer Inventory - (Mar 25, 2013)

Subject:Properly Maintaining Vehicles in Dealer Inventory

#09-00-89-002H: Properly Maintaining Vehicles in Dealer Inventory - (Mar 25, 2013)

Models: 2011-2014 GM Passenger Cars and Light Duty Trucks
2011-2014 Chevrolet Captiva (sold outside North America)
2012-2014 Chevrolet Captiva Sport (U.S. fleet only)
2011-2014 GMC Terrain (sold outside North America)
2011-2013 Daewoo Winstorm (sold outside North America)
2011-2013 Opel Antara (sold outside North America)

This bulletin is being revised to add the 2014 model year. Please discard CorporateBulletin Number 09-00-89-002G (Section 00 – General Information).

Dealer Inventories

Important:Dealers are responsible for the storage and proper care of new vehicles held in dealerinventory until they are delivered to the customer. Extra care and attention to detailshould be taken to make sure vehicles that have spent longer times in dealer inventoryare properly delivered to the customer with no product issues (such as stall/no startissues due to improper battery maintenance or vehicle vibrationdue to tire flat spotting). Damage or deterioration, resulting from improper storage,is not to be covered by the New Vehicle Limited Warranty. For more information, referto the Service Policy and Procedures Manual – Section 2.2 New Vehicle Storage – ProperlyMaintaining Vehicle in Dealer Inventory.

Most customers consider the condition of their vehicle at the time of delivery asa direct reflection of the dealership and potentially the amount of care and excellencethe service department will deliver or not in the future. Therefore, providing thebest vehicle possible at customer delivery can increase your CSI (Customer SatisfactionIndex), and ultimately the number of customers in your showroom and service departments.In orderto maintain a high level of quality, special attention should be paid to the propermaintenance and storage of your new vehicle inventories. The list below will assistyou in keeping your vehicle inventory protected and ready for customer delivery.

Table of Contents

The following is a list of topics included in this bulletin:

Battery MaintenanceTire Flat-SpottingTire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)BrakesProtective Shipping MaterialsChecking / Cleaning Windshield WipersFuel / Lubricants / Oil Life MonitorDiesel Engine Special CareStorage Lot Practices / Vehicle WashingBattery Maintenance

12 Volt System

Maintain battery charge on vehicles in dealer inventory per the following:

At vehicle delivery to the dealership (PDI), test/charge the battery using the GR-8Tool (EL-50313) in the PDI mode. This step allows the battery to be charged back up (topped off) at PDI (for 20 minutesor less) to make up for any loss of charge that occurred during the vehicle transittime from assembly plant to the dealer.Every 30 days in dealer inventory, test/charge the battery using the GR-8 Tool (EL-50313)in the PDI mode. This step will allow the battery state of charge to be maintained, which maximizeover all battery life. Vehicle batteries that are in dealer inventory for extendedamounts of time without being maintained/charged will see a significant overall reductionin the battery's service life.At point of sale (just prior to delivering the vehicle to the customer), test/chargethe battery using the GR-8 Tool (EL-50313) in the PDI mode. This step will ensure that the battery is fully charged for the best customer satisfactionpossible.

For additional information and details, please refer to latest version of CorporateBulletin Number 03-06-03-004 – Proper Battery Maintenance While Vehicle is in DealerInventory and Warranty Code Generated by El-50313/Charger Required for N0110, BatteryParts Restriction.

High Voltage System – Hybrids (except Chevrolet Volt)

The conventional 12V battery used in hybrid vehicles requires maintenance in accordancewith the '12 Volt System' above.

Maintenance is not required for the Hybrid high voltage battery while in dealer inventory.

High Voltage System – Chevrolet Volt

The conventional 12V battery used in the Chevrolet Volt requires maintenance in accordancewith the '12 Volt System' above.

While routine maintenance is not required for the High Voltage battery, it is recommendedto have the high voltage battery be charged less than 50% if it will sit for extendedperiods of time or while in dealer inventory.

Important:During PDI of the Chevrolet Volt, ‘Final Inspection and Preparation’ steps requirethe high voltage battery be fully charged using the on-board charger just prior todelivery.

A full charge will require approximately 12 to 14 hours using the 120V Portable ChargeCord or 4 hours using a 240V Stationary charger.

Tire Flat-Spotting

All tires, no matter the manufacturer, are susceptible to flat spotting if the vehiclesits on the dealership lot prior to customer delivery and is not moved or driven foran extended period of time. Flat spots on the tires can cause vibration concerns.

Vibration issues for flat spotting can develop between 30-45 days (depending on thetire design, parking surface and weather conditions) and usually will be gone afterallowing the tires to heat up after few minutes of driving at highway speeds on smoothsurface roads.

Vibration issues that develop from allowing the vehicle to sit without being moved/drivenfor between 45-90 days usually will be gone after allowing the tires to heat up after10 minutes of driving at highway speeds on smooth surface roads.

To attempt to minimize this concern, the following is recommended:

Tires should be inflated to 300-kPa (44-psi) for longer term storage in inventory.While higher tire pressures during storage has not been proven to eliminate this concern,underinflation has been shown to contribute to its severity, so higher pressure ispreferred to lower pressure.

Tip:Tires on average lose 7-kPa (1-psi) every 30 days. Additionally there is a 7-kPa (1-psi)loss in pressure for each 6°C (10°F) drop in air temperature. Example: A tire with300-kPa (44-psi) at 16°C (60°F) would have 240-kPa (35-psi) after 6 months in inventoryat −1°C (30°F) air temperature.

Vehicles should be moved every 30 days. If vehicles are allowed to sit more than 30days at a time, more noticeable or objectionable tire vibrations may be noted. Vibrationissues that develop from allowing the vehicle to sit without being moved/driven formore than 90 days may become permanent and would required tire replacement to repair(which would not be considered a warrantable item)

At the time of delivery, vehicle tire pressures MUST be reset to the values as outlinedon the Tire Pressure Placard in order to provide the customer with the proper rideand handling characteristics designed into the vehicle.

Important:If any tire vibration is noted during the PDI process before measuring tires on equipmentsuch as the Hunter GSP 9700, the vehicle MUST be driven a minimum of 24-km (15-mi)to ensure removal of any flat spotting (The tendency to "flat spot" is less likelyas the tire accumulates mileage).

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)

The TPMS is learned at the assembly plant and should not need to be re-learned atcustomer delivery unless wheels are replaced or rotated. Vehicles that have been indealer inventory for extended amounts of time may have a TPMS light on indicatingproper tire pressure (air inflation) is required. Properly adjusting all tire airpressures to the recommended levels and driving the vehicle will turn the light off(refer to the Tire and LoadingInformation label on the driver side door) - DO NOT re-learn the TPMS. For additionalinformation refer to the latest version of Corporate Bulletin Number 09-03-16-002- Dealership Service Consultant Procedure as Vehicle Comes into Service Drive forTire Pressure Monitor (TPM) System Message, Light and Customer Information.


Extended outside storage may increase the opportunity for brake noise issues. Vehiclebraking systems tend to be self-cleaning while vehicles are in use, preventing anybuild-up of corrosion on the brake rotor surfaces. It is a good practice if a vehicleneeds to be moved (such as to access other vehicles) to drive it once around the blockand apply the brakes several times. This practice will not only eliminate the opportunityfor rustto build up on the rotors, but may help to minimize flat spotting of tires.

Important:Vehicles should be moved and brakes applied every 30 days in order for this practiceto remain effective.

At times more extensive corrosion can cause pulsation due to thickness variation.This usually happens when the vehicle is parked for long periods of time in humidtype conditions and the braking surface area under the pads corrode at a differentrate compared to the rest of the braking surface area. Cleaning up of braking surfaces(burnishing) can be accomplished by 10-15 moderate stops from 56-64-km/h (35-40-mph)withcooling time between stops. If multiple, moderate braking stops do not correct thiscondition, refer to the latest version of Corporate Bulletin Number 00-05-22-002 –Disc Brake Warranty Service and Procedures for additional information.

Protective Shipping Materials

Many GM vehicles come with protective coverings, foam blocks and other preventativemeasures applied before vehicle shipping to aid in vehicles being delivered in thebest possible condition.

The exterior protection foam block door and bumper protectors should be left in placeup to the time of the customer delivery except for vehicles on prominent display suchas the showroom floor. These protective devices help to minimize lot damage, reducedealer expense and increase customer satisfaction.

General Motors has commonized the use of door edge protection in order to reduce thechance of chips/scratches on the doors of new vehicles. The protectors come in theform of a black foam block that adheres to the painted door panel by a sheet of white,two-sided tape. This foam block is designed to protect not only the painted body panel,but also any body cladding or moldings on the vehicle. The location of the door protectionvaries,depending on the contours of the door or body cladding. The purpose of this protectionis not only to protect the vehicle during transportation from the plant to the dealer,but also while the vehicle is either stored or displayed at the dealership. Referto the General Motors Service Policy and Procedures Manual, Article 2.2 for more informationand recommendations. GM recommends the door edge protection stay on the doors up untildeliveryto the customer. By leaving this protection in place, the possibility of door chips,scratches or dents is virtually eliminated.

Checking/Cleaning Windshield Wipers/Window Glass

Wiper Blades


Vehicle windshield wipers are exposed to weathering elements as soon as a vehicleis produced. During extended outdoor storage the wiper blades may not function aswell due to the following factors:

Dirt/debris/dried soap stuck on the blade surfaceOxidation of the rubber bladeThe rubber blade may take a “permanent set” from non-use.

It is recommended that the wiper blades be cleaned with a lint free cloth or papertowel soaked with windshield washer fluid (GM Optikeen recommended) or a mild detergent.You should see significant amounts of dirt being removed on the cloth. Be sure towash the windshield thoroughly when you clean the blades. Bugs, road grime, sap anda buildup of car wash/wax treatments may additionally cause wiper streaking.

Important:Avoid getting windshield washer fluid on your hands. Wear rubber gloves or avoiddirect contact with washer fluid. NEVER use gasoline, kerosene, or petroleum basedproducts to clean wiper blades.

Tip:DO NOT operate the wipers if the vehicle is extremely dirty with gritty or sandymaterials, or twigs/sticks in the cowl area. This type of debris dragged by the forceof the wipers while dry may cause glass scratching.

Window Glass

The interior surfaces of the window glass may appear hazy (due to surface deposits)after a vehicle has sat in a “closed-up” condition for an extended period of time.It is suggested that window washing during the PDI process be performed with plainwater. Washing by this method increases the amount of time that the windows will stayclean, as cleaners generally leave a film that accelerates the deposition of new dirt.

ONLY if satisfactory results cannot be obtained (streaking), please use GM VehicleCare Glass Cleaner (or equivalent) to clean heavier deposits.

Fuel/Lubricants/Oil-Life Monitor

Caution:Do not allow vehicles to run out of fuel during idle conditions. Allowing a vehicleto run out of fuel while idling may cause damage to the fuel pump.

Gasoline Fuel

As vehicles age while in inventory the potential for fueling issues increases. Gasoline powered vehicles should not encounter any fuel related issues while being stored for up toone year. Vehicles should have fresh fuel added as needed or if in stock for overone year.

Lubricants and Oil Life Monitor

As vehicles are kept in stock for longer periods of time, questions may be raisednot only by the new car prep personnel, but also by customers. Here are some suggestionsas to proper business practices.

The Oil Life Monitor in new GM vehicles will count down as vehicles are started, moved and run for thepurpose of battery charging. If vehicles remain in stock for longer periods, whatguidelines should you follow to answer questions about the oil life monitor-

When the vehicle was assembled the oil life monitor begins counting down the usefullife of the oil. If the Oil Life percentage indicates below 90% of the oil life leftbefore vehicle delivery and the vehicle is older than 7 months, it is advised thatthe oil be changed before delivery to the customer (An alternative would be to offerthe customer a discount coupon good for a reduced cost oil change, to compensate forused up oil-lifebefore delivery).

Important:The Oil-Life Monitor should not be reset at the time of delivery unless the vehicleoil has been changed.

If the Oil Life Monitor indicates above 90% or the vehicle build date is within 6months or newer, the vehicle may be delivered without additional action. There isalways some period of time that a vehicle is in dealer stock before it is delivered,and that small drop in oil life is expected.

Important:If a vehicle remains in stock for 1 year or greater, you should change the vehicleengine oil.

Diesel Engine Special Care

Periodic Operation

Diesel powered vehicles should not be left stationary for more than 45 days. Whenthe storage duration approaches 45 days, the vehicle should at least be started andidled until the engine reaches operating temperature. Ideally, the vehicle shouldbe driven for at least 1.6-km (1-mi) and then idled to operating temperature to preventturbocharger malfunction.


Diesel powered vehicles should not have additional fuel added to the tank unless required. The assembly plant fuels vehicles with a special blend of ultra low sulfur dieselextending its stability over marketplace diesel fuel. Fuel readily available in theconsumer market may have high levels of Biodiesel and likewise shorter storage potential.If re-fueling is required, add only in 15-L (4-gallon)increments using winter blend fuels where appropriate.

Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Diesel exhaust fluid should not be topped off until delivery to the customer as DEFhas a limited shelf life and can expire more quickly when in higher ambient temperatures. Ideally, the refill procedure should be performed in front of the customer to facilitatetraining of the correct technique. Make certain the GM provided nozzle includinginternal vent tube is used to ensure proper feedback from the filllimit valve. DO NOT OVERFILL THE TANK! When the fluid first begins to overflow outof the fill neck, the tank is full.

Battery State of Charge

Wherever possible, diesel powered vehicles should have the batteries maintained witha battery charger as opposed to running the vehicle for 30 minutes to conserve thefactory fueling.

Storage Lot Practices/Vehicle Washing

While all damage and every situation cannot be accounted for, simple thoughtfulnessand care should be your guide. There are many opportunities for damage to the finishof vehicles. Please review the following good discussion starters with porters andtechnicians:

Simple winter season conditions can be a good source of damage for northern dealers.Sharp snow shovels and ice scrapers can damage vehicles. Consider the use of plasticshovels (non-metal edged) for use in and around vehicle storage lots and make suresnow removal tools are in good condition. Instruct dealership personnel to be awareof potential damage when removing ice buildup from the vehicles.Keep bushes and shrubs trimmed back around vehicle storage lots. Sometimes, when spaceis at a premium, every inch of a lot is utilized. Do not park vehicles near landscapingthat, during a thunderstorm or winter storm, may droop or move sufficiently to contactvehicles, causing finish damage.Regularly maintain your dealership car wash. Worn components or improperly workingmechanisms and valves may damage or cause dulling of vehicle finishes. If your dealershiphand washes and polishes vehicles for delivery, reconfirm that personnel are dressedin proper clothing devoid of belt buckles, metal buttons/snaps, wallet chains, etc.Vehicles on the front lot, visible by customers, should be kept clean and washed regularlyfor the sake of a nice dealership appearance. Vehicles in off-site storage, or securedareas should be kept clean preferably by touchless methods. Constant washing may createfine scratches or swirls in the paint on dark colored vehicles. Lightly power washingwith soap will remove any harmful accumulations of dirt, bird droppings, acidicleaves, etc. without the risk of causing scratches.

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#09-00-89-002H: Properly Maintaining Vehicles in Dealer Inventory - (Mar 25, 2013)


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