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Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #06-08-43-003D: Windshield Wiper Performance, Cleaning Instructions and Maintenance - (Feb 12, 2013) Wipers

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / "Wipers, Washers" / #06-08-43-003D: Windshield Wiper Performance, Cleaning Instructions and Maintenance - (Feb 12, 2013) Wipers

Subject:Windshield Wiper Performance, Cleaning Instructions and Maintenance

#06-08-43-003D: Windshield Wiper Performance, Cleaning Instructions and Maintenance - (Feb 12, 2013) Wipers

Models: 2014 and Prior GM Passenger Cars and Trucks

This bulletin is being revised to add the 2013 and 2014 model years and update theglass cleaner part number. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 06-08-43-003C(Section 08 – Body and Accessories).

Wiper Concerns

Most concerns about windshield wiper performance are the result of dirty wiper blades,damaged wiper blades, or worn out blades that are continuing to be used beyond theiruseful life. Depending on environmental conditions, wiper blades can have dramaticdifferences in lifespan. Here are some tips and guidelines to maximize wiper performanceto avoid damage to the blades, and to avoid unnecessary replacements.

Many wiper blades are being replaced under warranty with reviews showing there isnothing wrong with the returned blades other than a build-up of dirt. Additionally,advise the customer to review the information in their Owner Manual.

Inspection and CleaningScheduled MaintenanceInspect your wipers rubber blades every 4-6 months or 12,000-km (7,500-mi) for wear,cracking or contamination.Clean the windshield and the rubber wiper blades (using the procedure below) if theblades are not clearing the glass satisfactorily. If this does not correct the problem,then replace the rubber elements.Cleaning Procedure

Important:Avoid getting windshield washer fluid on your hands. Wear rubber gloves or avoid directcontact with washer fluid.

Important:Do not use gasoline, kerosene, or petroleum based products to clean wiper blades.

Clean the rubber blades using a lint free cloth or paper towel soaked with windshieldwasher fluid or a mild detergent. You should see significant amounts of dirt beingremoved on the cloth.Be sure to wash the windshield thoroughly when you clean the blades. Bugs, road grime,sap and a buildup of car wash/wax treatments may additionally cause wiper streaking.

Tip:For a larger scale buildup on the windshield, use a non-abrasive cleaner such as Bon-Ami*( cleanser with a wet sponge, being sure to use plenty of waterto avoid scratching the glass. Flush the surface and body panels completely.

Tip:For day-to-day exterior glass cleaning and to maintain a streak free appearance, suggestVehicle Care Glass Cleaner, P/N-19287404 (18-oz) or 19259280 (6-oz) (in Canada, 88865156).This product is an easy to use foaming cleaner that quickly removes dirt and grimefrom glass surfaces.

Tip:Interior glass should be cleaned with plain, clean water to eliminate any film orhaze on the window and help prevent fogging, a major customer dissatisfier. Referto the latest version of Corporate Bulletin Number 03-00-89-006 for more information.The New Vehicle Pre-Delivery Inspection form also recommends using plain water toclean interior glass.

*We believe this material to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers ofsuch material. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for or assumeany responsibility for the products or equipment from these firms or any such itemswhich may be available from other sources.

Avoiding Wiper Damage

The following are major contributors to wiper damage. Some of these you can controland others are environmental concerns.

Extremely dusty areas (such as driving on dirt roads) may cause the wipers rubberedge to wear quickly and unevenly.Sand and salt used on roads for increasing winter traction and ice control will causethe wiper blades to wear quicker. Areas with significant snowfall require more frequentblade replacements.Heat and time may cause the rubber blades to take a “permanent set” resulting in therubber not flexing and turning over uniformly. This condition may result in streakingand/or unwiped areas.Rubber blades are easily cut or torn when using ice scrapers. Likewise pulling bladesup off a frozen windshield can tear the rubber. Exercise caution when clearing iceand snow.Using your wipers to “wear through” frost and ice, instead of allowing the defrostersto melt the ice, can dull, nick or tear the rubber blades.Banging wipers on the glass to remove ice and snow may cause the blade to bend, dislodgingthe rubber and causing potential scratching of the windshield.Ice can form in the pin joints of the wipers, which can cause streaking and unwipedareas. To remove ice from pin joints, compress the blade and rubber edge with yourhand to loosen the frozen joints. Consider using Winter Blades that have a rubber cover to avoid this condition.

Note:GM does not recommend the use of any spray on/wipe on windshield treatments or washerfluid additives. The variation in friction that results on the glass from the useof these products causes wipers to chatter and have premature wear.

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#06-08-43-003D: Windshield Wiper Performance, Cleaning Instructions and Maintenance - (Feb 12, 2013) Wipers


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