Subject: | Part Restriction and Ordering Process Information for OnStar® Vehicle CommunicationInterface Modules (VCIM) (GMNA Only) | |
Models: | 2012-2014 GM Cars and Trucks | |
All Equipped with OnStar® RPO UE1 |
This bulletin has been revised to add the 2014 model year and update ESC contact information.Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 03-08-46-004M.
Vehicle Communication Interface Module (VCIM) Functional Name VariationsDepending on the Model Year and Vehicle, the VCIM May be Identified in the ServiceInformation and on the Scan Tool by Different Component Functional Names
Review the following list in order to become familiar with the different componentfunctional names:
Vehicle Communication Interface Module (VCIM)Communication Interface ModuleTelematics Communication Interface Control ModuleOnStar® Vehicle Interface Unit (VIU)OnStar® ModuleRestricted Part Process General Information - ESC Ordering InformationThe OnStar® VCIM is currently restricted parts. By working closely with our dealersand technicians, through the part restriction process, the General Motors team willgain a better understanding of any field concerns that may develop.
Only the modules and components involved in a part restriction program require a callto GM Technical Assistance Center (TAC) in order to obtain the necessary part. Partssuch as antennas, cables, etc., are available through the normal parts ordering channels.
The TAC consultant will no longer provide a part number back to the dealership whena VCIM is to be ordered. The replacement VCIM that the dealership will receive mayhave a different part number than the one currently installed in the vehicle.
If a replacement VCIM is deemed necessary, the TAC consultant will no longer orderthe replacement part. Instead the dealer MUST use the ONE-TIME USE authorization number provided by TAC to order a replacement part through an ElectronicService Center (ESC).The ONE-TIME USE authorization number will be linked to the vehicle identificationnumber (VIN) and CANNOT be used to order a replacement unit for any other VIN.
Notice:The authorization number provided by TAC will expire after 30 days.
Order the replacement unit DIRECTLY from the following United States or Canadian ESC.In the U.S. from the Instrument Sales and Service ESC. Contact them by phone at 800-336-3998.In Canada from the York Electronics ESC. Orders can be placed online at www.yorkelec.comor by Fax at 800-361-5396 Calgary OR 888-650-9677 Oshawa. Contact them by phone at: 800-361-2894 Calgary OR 888-650-9675 Oshawa.ESC Shipping and Core Return InformationThe replacement VCIM is shipped using standard ground shipment unless otherwise specificallyrequested by the dealer.If the replacement VCIM is not received within seven business days DO NOT contact TAC. For any concern regarding the non-receipt, ordering and returning ofthe core, or an unused/unopened unit contact the ESC to which the order was placed.A pre-paid return package label will be included for return shipment of the originalVCIM. By returning the original VCIM, within the specified time noted in the documentscontained within the packaging of the service replacement unit, the parts departmentwill avoid a significant non-return core charge.Diagnosing - Replacement - Reprogramming the OnStar® VCIM - General InformationNotice:If the diagnostic steps taken by the technician indicate the VCIM requires replacement,the service department personnel must contact TAC. BEFORE calling TAC, record alldiagnostic readings and measurements from the applicable tests that were performed.The TAC consultant will verify the diagnosis and if a replacement is needed, providethe one-time use authorization number required to order the part.
When diagnosing, repairing and reprogramming the OnStar® VCIM, you MUST follow the repair, diagnostic and programming information for the specific vehiclein SI. Go to > Service Manual/Bulletins > Service Manual > Driver Information andEntertainment > Cellular, Entertainment, and Navigation.Examine the original and replacement VCIM. If there are no physical or dimensionaldifferences between the original and replacement VCIM, then install the new VCIM.Refer to > Driver Information and Entertainment > Cellular, Entertainment, and Navigation> Repair Instructions > Communication Interface Module Replacement in SI.If the replacement VCIM is physically or dimensionally different from the original,contact the ESC for vehicle to P/N usage verification.Notice:Failure to perform the proper programming and setup procedures will result in limitedor incomplete OnStar® services.
Perform the programming and setup procedures. Refer to > Control Module References> Programming and Setup > Communication Interface Module Programming and Setup inSI.If there are any issues reprogramming the replacement VCIM, you must contact the TechlineCustomer Support Center (TCSC).Required OnStar® Information Before Contacting TAC - Obtain Using the Tech 2® and/ora Multiple Diagnostic Interface (MDI)Before contacting TAC with an OnStar® concern, you MUST obtain certain information from the vehicle. Please refer to the latest version CorporateBulletin Number 01-00-89-010 Comeback Prevention Information and Using Customer ConcernVerification Sheets (CCVS) regarding the information required by TAC.
Observe and record the following information before calling TAC:
Electronic Serial Number (ESN)Station Identifier (STID)GM 8-digit part numberMobile Identification Number (MIN)Mobile Dialed Number (MDN)Transceiver ID (Trans ID)To obtain the following information, perform the steps using a Tech 2® or MultipleDiagnostic Interface (MDI) updated with the latest software version:
Connect the Tech 2® or MDI.Enter Diagnostics and build the vehicle.Select Body.In the Body menu, proceed to OnStar®.Select VCIM and then Module 2 Information.If your diagnosis leads you to a B1000 DTC, you will need to provide the followingadditional information. GM TAC will need to verify the original customer concern thatled to the discovery of the DTC B1000 with the technician. Some of the questions GMTAC may ask are:
What happens when an OnStar® key press is made-Does the system connect on a key press-Does OnStar® have a current GPS location on a key press-On GM LAN vehicles, the sub-code must be recorded (example: B1000 SYM00)If available on the Tech 2® for the vehicle, technicians should select the followingmenu and record the data from the VCIM. This data is not available on the ChevroletColorado and the GMC Canyon.
Body/Vehicle Communications Interface Module/Special Functions/ B1000 Data
DPID 11 Byte1:DPID 11 Byte2:DPID 11 Byte3:DPID 11 Byte4:Important:The information obtained from the vehicle should not be modified in any way unlessdirected by the GM TAC consultant.
Required OnStar® Information Before Contacting TAC - Obtain Using GDS 2 and a MultipleDiagnostic Interface (MDI)Before contacting TAC with an OnStar® concern, you MUST obtain certain information from the vehicle. Please refer to the latest version CorporateBulletin Number 01-00-89-010 Comeback Prevention Information and Using Customer ConcernVerification Sheets (CCVS) regarding the information required by TAC.
Observe and record the following information before calling TAC:
Turn ON the ignition.Connect the MDI to the vehicle.Select: Module Diagnostics.Select: Telematics Communication Interface Control Module.Select: ID Information.Observe and record the following Information:End Model Part Number:Mobile Equipment Identifier:OnStar® Customer Identifier:Module Generation Identifier:Current Transceiver Identifier:Mobile Identification Number:Mobile Directory Number:♦
Tech 2 is a Registered Trademark of General Motors LLC
OnStar is a Registered Trademark of ONSTAR, LLC
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
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