Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Valve Rocker Arm Cleaning and Inspection Valvetrain Valve Actuating Assembly Rocker Arms

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Valve Rocker Arm Cleaning and Inspection Valvetrain Valve Actuating Assembly Rocker Arms

Valve Rocker Arm Cleaning and Inspection Valvetrain Valve Actuating Assembly Rocker Arms

Inspect the camshaft follower roller-(1) for thefollowing:Flat spotsExcessive scoring and pittingEnsure the roller spins freelyInspect the camshaft follower valve tiparea-(2).Inspect the camshaft follower stationary hydraulic lashadjuster (SHLA) pivot area-(3).Replace the camshaft follower or followers asnecessary.

Water Pump and Balance Shaft Chain and Sprocket Cleaning and Inspection Engine Block Cylinder Block Balance Shaft
Inspect the balance shaft drive chain guides-(3,5, 8) for cracking or wear.Replace the balance shaft drive chain guides if wear exceeds1.12-mm (0.045-in) depth on the chain guidesurface.Inspect the ba ...

Camshaft Cleaning and Inspection (LAF, LEA, or LUK) Valvetrain Camshaft
Inspect the camshaft journals and lobes for wear orscoring.Inspect the camshaft sprocket alignment notch fordamage.Inspect the camshaft cover-(1) for damage or looseoil control baffles.Clean the camsh ...

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Accessories and Modifications
Adding non-dealer accessories or making modifications to the vehicle can affect vehicle performance and safety, including such things as airbags, braking, stability, ride and handling, emissions systems, aerodynamics, durability, and electronic systems like antilock brakes, traction control, ...

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