Warning:Use the proper eye protection when drilling to prevent metalchips from causing physical injury.
Clamp the strut in a vise horizontally with the rod-(1) completely extended.Drill a hole in the strut at the center of the end cap-(3) using a 5-mm (3/16-in)drill bit. Gas or a gas/oil mixture will exhaust when the drill bit penetrates thestrut. Use shop towels in order to contain the escaping oil.Remove the strut from the vise.Hold the strut over a drain pan vertically with the hole down.Move the rod-(1) in and out of the tube-(2) to completely drain the oil from the strut.
Inside Air Moisture and Windshield Temperature Sensor Replacement Windshield
Inside Air Moisture and Windshield Temperature Sensor ReplacementCalloutComponent Name1Inside Air Moisture And Windshield Temperature SensorProceduresRemove the inside rear view mirror cover.Unlatch the inside air moisture and windshield temperature sensor, from the insiderear view mirror support br ...