Caution:Do not heat wheels in an attempt to soften them forstraightening or repair damage from striking curbs, etc. Do notweld wheels. The alloy used in these wheels is heat-treated anduncontrolled heating from welding affects the properties of thematerial.
Caution:The use of tubes in tubeless tires is not a recommendedrepair due to the fact that speed ratings are greatlyreduced.
If leaks are found in a steel wheel, replace the wheel with awheel of original equipment quality.
Airbag Roof Side Rail Module Replacement Secondary Air Bag Modules
Airbag Roof Side Rail Module ReplacementCalloutComponent NameWarning:In order to prevent SIR deployment, personal injury, orunnecessary SIR system repairs, do not strike the door or the doorpillar in the area of the side impact sensor (SIS). Turn OFF theignition and remove the key when performing se ...