Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Service Prior to Assembly

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Service Prior to Assembly

The importance of cleanliness during assembly cannot beoverstated. Dirt or debris will cause engine damage. An automobileengine is a combination of many machined, honed, polished andlapped surfaces with tolerances that are measured in tenthousandths of an inch. When any internal engine parts areserviced, care and cleanliness are important. A liberal coating ofengine oil should be applied to friction areas during assembly inorder to protect and lubricate the surfaces on initial operation.Throughout this section, it should be understood that propercleaning and protection of machined surfaces and friction areas arepart of the repair procedure. This is considered standard shoppractice even if not specifically stated.

Lubricate all moving parts with engine oil or a specifiedassembly lubricant. This will provide lubrication for initial startup.

Engine Component Description (LFX)
The High Feature V6 (VIN Code Identifier “3” for both cars and trucks) RPO LFX isa 3.6-Liter VVT-(Variable Valve Timing) engine with direct injection. The LFX hasE85-compatible valves and seats wi ...

Starting System Description and Operation Starting System
The starter motors are non-repairable starter motors. They have pole pieces that arearranged around the armature. Both solenoid windings are energized. The pull-in windingcircuit is completed to the g ...

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