The following service procedures require either a programmingor a setup event be performed for a complete repair. Thetransmission control module-(TCM) is part of the controlsolenoid valve assembly, and is not serviced separately.
Transmission Control Module-(TCM)ReplacementIf the TCM is replaced, the following procedures must beperformed:
TCM ReprogrammingThe Transmission Adaptive Values Learn. Refer toTransmission Adaptive Values Learn.TCM ReprogrammingNote:
Use a scan tool to view and record the Transmission ControlModule – End Model Part Number in the original TCM priorto starting the TCM reprogramming procedure.In some cases, the TCM and ECM may have to be reprogrammed.When a selection for TCM Transmission Control Module –Programming is not available, select SEQ Programming SequenceECM/TCM (Automatic Transmission Only).If the TCM needs to be reprogrammed. Refer toService Programming System (SPS).Perform the Transmission Adaptive Values Learn. Refer toTransmission Adaptive Values Learn.Note:After programming, perform the following to avoid futuremisdiagnosis:
Turn the ignition OFF for 30-seconds.Turn the ignition ON with the engine OFF.Use the scan tool in order to retrieve history DTCs from allmodules.Clear all history DTCs.Setup for Component ReplacementThe replacement of some components will require a setupprocedure for complete repair.
If any of the following components are replaced, theTransmission Adaptive Values Learnprocedure must beperformed:
Transmission replacementAny internal transmission repairAny speed sensorRefer toTransmission Adaptive Values Learn.
Control Valve Upper Body Spacer Plate Assembly Automatic Transmission Unit
Control Valve Upper Body Spacer Plate Assembly(2)Line(3)Decrease(4)Converter Feed(5)TCC Release(7)Cooler Feed(8)Lube(9)Regulated Apply(10)Compensator Feed(11)Actuator Feed Limit(13)PCS Line(14)PCS R1/456 Clutch(15)Solenoid 1(16)Solenoid 2(17)CSV2 Enable(18)CSV3 Enable(19)R1/456 Clutch Feed(20)R1 Fee ...