Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Ensure that the crankshaft is in the stage-2timing drive assembly position-(1).

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Install the right secondary camshaft drive chain.

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Place the secondary camshaft drive chain around the rightcamshaft intermediate drive chain idler outer sprocket, aligningthe timing camshaft drive chain link-(1) with thealignment access hole-(2) made in the right camshaftintermediate drive chain idler inner sprocket.

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Wrap the secondary camshaft drive chain around both rightactuator drive sprockets.Ensure there are 10-links-(1) betweenthe timing camshaft drive chain links for the camshaft positionactuator sprockets.

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Align the right exhaust camshaft position actuator sprocketalignment triangle mark-(1) with the timing camshaftdrive chain link-(2).

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

Align the right intake camshaft position actuator sprocketalignment triangle mark-(2) with the timing camshaftdrive chain link-(1).

Secondary Camshaft Intermediate Drive Chain Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft

There will be 22-links-(1) between theright camshaft intermediate drive chain idler timing camshaft drivechain link and each right camshaft position actuator sprockettiming camshaft drive chain link.

Camshaft Installation - Right Side Valvetrain Camshaft
Ensure that the camshaft sealing rings-(1) are in place in the camshaft grooves. Camshaftsealing rings must be in place below the surface of the camshaft journal in orderto avoid being pinched between ...

Timing Chain Idler Sprocket Installation - Left Side Valvetrain Valvetrain Timing Timing Belt/Chain
Ensure that the left camshaft intermediate drive chainidler-(2) is being installed. The recessedhub-(3) and the larger sprocket of the left camshaftintermediate drive chain idler is installed outward. ...

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