Loosen the suspension adjustment link-to-frame fastenerenough to allow for movement.
Note:If experiencing problems in adjusting the rear toe, replacethe existing nut with the service cam nut to eliminate theadjustment problem.
Rotate the suspension adjustment nut in the directionnecessary to correct the toe angle.Snug the suspension adjustment link-to-frame fastener, do nottighten at this time.Reinspect the rear toe specifications and adjust asnecessary.Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.
Hold the nut and tighten the link-to-frame fastener bolt to164-Y(121-lb-ft).Repeat the procedure for the other rear wheel.Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal Installation - Torque Converter Housing Side Automatic Transmission Unit
Front Wheel Drive Shaft Seal Installation - Torque Converter Housing SideCalloutComponent Name1Front Wheel Drive Shaft Oil Seal AssemblySpecial ToolsDT-47790 Seal InstallerGE-8092 Driver HandleFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools. ...