Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Restraints / Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Scrapping Procedure

During the course of a vehicles useful life, certainsituations may arise which will necessitate the disposal of a live(undeployed) pretensioner. The following information covers theproper procedures for the disposing of a live (undeployed)pretensioner. Deploy the pretensioner before disposal. Do notdispose of a live (undeployed) pretensioner through normal disposalchannels until the pretensioner has been deployed. The followinginformation covers the proper procedures for the disposing of alive (undeployed) pretensioner.

After replacement of a pretensioner under warranty. Thepretensioner may need to be returned undeployed to the originalmanufacturer of pretensioner.If the vehicle is the subject of a Product Liability reportrelated to the SIR system and is subject to a PreliminaryInvestigation (GM-1241). Do not alter the SIR system in anymanner.If the vehicle is involved in a campaign affecting thepretensioners. Follow the instructions in the Campaign ServiceBulletin for proper SIR handling procedures.Deployment Procedures

Note:Some countries, states or localities may not allow servicedeployment of air bags without special permission or training.Local laws regarding deploying and scrapping of air bags/deviceswith pyrotechnics must be followed.

The pretensioner can be deployed inside or outside of thevehicle. The method used depends upon the final disposition of thevehicle. Review the following procedures in order to determinewhich will work best in a given situation.

Deployment Inside the Vehicle

Refer toInflatable Restraint Module Handling and Scrappingfor deploying thepretensioner inside vehicle under Vehicle ScrappingProcedure.

Deployment Outside Vehicle for Seat BeltPretensioners

Deploy the seat belt pretensioners outside of the vehiclewhen the vehicle will be returned to service. Situations thatrequire deployment outside of the vehicle include thefollowing:

Using the SIR diagnostics, you determine that the seat beltpretensioner is malfunctioning.The pretensioner pigtail (if equipped) is damaged.The pretensioner connector is damaged.The pretensioner connector terminal is damaged.

Deployment and disposal of a malfunctioning seat beltpretensioner is subject to any required retention period.

Warning:In order to prevent accidental deployment of the pretensionerwhich could cause personal injury, do not dispose of an undeployedpretensioner as normal shop waste. The undeployed pretensionercontains substances that could cause severe illness or personalinjury if the sealed container is damaged during disposal. Use thefollowing deployment procedures to safely dispose of an undeployedpretensioner. Failure to dispose of a pretensioner as instructedmay be a violation of federal, state, or local laws.

Warning:When you are deploying a pretensioner for disposal, performthe deployment procedures in the order listed. Failure to followthe procedures in the order listed may result in personalinjury.

Special ToolsEL-39401-BSIR Deployment FixtureEL-38826SIR Deployment Harness

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position.Remove the ignition key.Put on safety glasses.Remove the seat belt pretensioner from the vehicle.When carrying a pretensioner to the deployment area keep theopen end of pretensioner pointed away from the body.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control


Clear a space on the ground about 1.85-M(6-ft) in diameter for deployment of the pretensioner.If possible, use a paved, outdoor location free of activity.Otherwise, use a space free of activity on the shop floor. Makesure you have sufficient ventilation.Make sure no loose or flammable objects are in thearea.Place theEL-39401-BSIR deployment fixturein the center of the cleared area.Fill the fixture plastic reservoir with water or sand.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Mount the pretensioner-(1) in the SIR deploymentfixture-(3) with the open end facing up using thefollowing mounting method.Adjust and secure the EL-39401-B arms-(4) to thedeployment fixture-(3).To mount, use the proper size bolt-(2) andnut-(5) with washers in order to secure thepretensioner-(1) to the deployment fixturebrackets-(4).Securely tighten all fasteners prior to deployment.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Inspect theEL-38826SIR deployment harnessand the appropriate pigtail adapter for damage. Replace asneeded.Short the 2 SIR deployment harness-(1) leadstogether using one banana plug seated into the other.Connect the appropriate pigtail adapter-(2) to theSIR deployment harness-(1).

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Extend the SIR deployment harness and adapter to full lengthfrom the deployment fixture.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Connect the pretensioner-(1) to theadapter-(2) on the deploymentharness-(3).

Note:The rapid gas expansion involved with deploying apretensioner is very loud. Notify all the people in the immediatearea that you intend to deploy the seat belt pretensioner.

Clear the area of people.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Warning:When you are deploying a pretensioner for disposal, performthe deployment procedures in the order listed. Failure to followthe procedures in the order listed may result in personalinjury.

Separate the 2 banana plugs on the SIR deploymentharness.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control


Note:When the seat belt pretensioner deploys, the deploymentfixture may jump about 30-cm (1-ft)vertically. This is a normal reaction of the seat belt pretensionerdue to the force of the rapid expansion of gas inside thepretensioner.

Place a 12-V minimum/2-A minimum powersource (i.e., vehicle battery) near the shorted end of theharness.Connect the SIR deployment harness wires to the power source.Pretensioner deployment will occur when contact is made.Disconnect the SIR deployment harness from the power sourceafter the pretensioner deploys.

Pretensioner Handling and Scrapping Restraints Control

Seat one banana plug into the other in order to short thedeployment harness leads.If the pretensioner did not deploy, disconnect the adapterand discontinue the procedure. Contact the Technical AssistanceGroup. Otherwise, proceed to the following steps.Put on a pair of shop gloves.Disconnect the pigtail adapter from the pretensioner as soonas possible.Inspect the pigtail adapter and the SIR deployment harness.Replace as needed.Dispose of the deployed pretensioner through normal refusechannels.Wash hands with a mild soap.

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