Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection Engine Lubrication Oil Filter

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection Engine Lubrication Oil Filter

Cleaning ProcedureClean the oil filter adapter components withnon-corrosive solvent.

Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.

Dry the oil filter adapter components with compressedair.Inspection Procedure

Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection Engine Lubrication Oil Filter

Note:The internal parts of the oil filter adapter housing are notserviced separately. If wear or damage is noted, replace the entireoil filter adapter assembly.

Inspect the oil filter adapter housing for cracks, castingimperfections or damage-(1).Inspect the threads for the oil pressuresender-(2) or the bracket-(6) fordamage.Inspect the oil filter sealing surface-(3) fordamage.Inspect the threads for the oil filter fitting-(4)for damage.Inspect the mounting holes-(5) for damage.

Oil Filter Adapter Cleaning and Inspection Engine Lubrication Oil Filter

Inspect the oil filter adapter housing gasket sealingsurface-(1) for damage.Inspect the oil filter adapter housingpassages-(2) for damage or blockage.Repair or replace the oil filter adapter housing asnecessary.

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