1 | Park Pawl Actuator Bracket Bolt-M6-x-25 (Qty: 2) |
2 | Park Pawl Actuator Bracket |
3 | Park Pawl Shaft |
4 | Park Pawl |
5 | Park Pawl Spring |
6 | Park Pawl Actuator Guide Pin |
7 | Park Pawl Actuator Guide |
8 | Manual Shift Detent Lever Pin Note: Use a small nail puller or other suitable tool.Discard the pin. The pin is not reusable.Special ToolsDT-23129 Universal Seal RemoverGE-6125-1B Slide Hammer with AdapterFor equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools. |
9 | Manual Shaft Detent (w/Shift Position Switch) Lever Assembly Note:Rotate the assembly counterclockwise so the actuator rod will fit through the caseopening. |
10 | Park Pawl Actuator Assembly |
Danger, Warnings, and Cautions
Danger:Text marked { Danger provides information on risk of fatal injury. Disregarding this informationmay endanger life.Warning:Text marked { Warning provides information on risk of accident or injury. Disregarding this informationmay lead to injury.Caution:Text marked { Caution provides informatio ...