Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Removal Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Removal Automatic Transmission Unit

Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Removal Automatic Transmission Unit

Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl ActuatorRemoval


Component Name


Park Pawl Actuator Bracket Bolt-M6-x-25 (Qty: 2)


Park Pawl Actuator Bracket


Park Pawl Shaft


Park Pawl


Park Pawl Spring


Park Pawl Actuator Guide Pin


Park Pawl Actuator Guide


Manual Shift Detent Lever Pin


Use a small nail puller or other suitable tool.Discard the pin. The pin is not reusable.Special ToolsDT-23129 Universal Seal RemoverGE-6125-1B Slide Hammer with Adapter

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.


Manual Shaft Detent (w/Shift Position Switch) Lever Assembly

Note:Rotate the assembly counterclockwise so the actuator rod will fit through the caseopening.


Park Pawl Actuator Assembly

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