Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation Automatic Transmission Unit

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Transmission/Transaxle / Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation Automatic Transmission Unit

Table 1: Park Pawl Actuator Guide Installation
Table 2: Park Pawl Actuator Installation
Park Pawl Actuator Guide Installation

Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation Automatic Transmission Unit

Park Pawl Actuator Guide Installation


Component Name


Park Pawl Actuator Guide Assembly Seal


Park Pawl Actuator Guide Assembly


Park Pawl Actuator Guide Pin

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.


Install the park pawl actuator guide pin to correct height.


7.2-mm (0.28-in)

Park Pawl Actuator Installation

Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation Automatic Transmission Unit

Park Pawl Actuator Installation


Component Name


Park Pawl Actuator Assembly


Manual Shift Detent (w/Shaft Position Switch) Lever Assembly


Manual Shaft

Note:Lubricate the shaft with ATF to prevent damage to the manual shift shaft seal duringinstallation.


Manual Shaft Detent Lever Hub Pin

Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.


Install the manual shaft detent lever hub pin to correct height.

Note:Use a NEW pin to ensure proper engagement with the shaft.


7.9-mm (0.38-in)-(b)

Special Tools

DT-48550 Detent Lever Pin Remover

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.


Manual Shift Shaft Pin

Caution:Use the manual shaft pin installer to install the pin at thecorrect height in order to properly secure the manual shaft. If youinstall the pin too deep, the case bore may crack.


Inspect pin installed height is within specifications.

Note:Use a NEW pin to ensure proper engagement with the case.


7.2–8.2-mm (0.28–0.32-in)-(a)

Special Tools

DT-41229 Manual Shaft Pin Installer

For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.

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