Special ToolsEN 29184Oil Seal InstallerEN 46103Camshaft Actuator Valve Seal Installer
For equivalent regional tools, refer toSpecial Tools.
Important:Do not lubricate the crankshaft front oil seal or crankshaftbalancer sealing surfaces. The crankshaft balancer is installedinto a dry seal.
Install the NEW crankshaft front oil seal into the enginefront cover using theEN 29184installer.Place the seal into position with the notches-(1)in the seal down. The notches-(1) will face inboard whenproperly installed.
Install the NEW camshaft position actuator valve oil sealsinto the engine front cover using theEN 46103installer.
Water Outlet Replacement (LFX) Engine Cooling
Water Outlet ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProceduresDrain the cooling system. Refer toCooling System Draining and Filling.Remove the right engine mount bracket. Refer toEngine Mount Bracket Replacement - Right Side.Remove the air cleaner. Refer toAir Cleaner Assembly Replacement.1Wate ...