Cruise control is a speed control system that maintains a desired vehicle speed undernormal driving conditions at speeds above 40-km/h (25-mph). Steep grades may causevariations in the selected vehicle speeds.
The following are the main components of the Cruise Control System:
The accelerator pedalThe brake pedal position (BPP) sensorThe body control module (BCM)The cruise on/off switchThe cruise control cancel switchThe +-RES switch (equivalent to resume/accel switch)The −-SET switch (equivalent to set/coast switch)The engine control module (ECM)The throttle actuator control (TAC) motorThe vehicle speed sensorThe body control module (BCM) monitors the signal circuit of the cruise control switches,which are located on the steering wheel. The BCM relays the cruise control switchstatus to the engine control module (ECM) via the serial data circuit. The ECM usesthe status of the cruise control switch to determine when to capture and maintainthe vehicle speed. The ECM monitors the vehicle speed signal circuit in order to determinethe desiredvehicle speed.
Voltage is supplied to the cruise control switch via the steering wheel control switchreference voltage circuit supplied by the BCM. The cruise control function switchesare arranged in a resistive ladder design, with each cruise control function switchhaving a different resistance value. The BCM detects a specific voltage value thatis associated with the cruise control function switch being activated. The BCM sendsa serial data messageto the ECM indicating that the on/off switch is active. Similarly, when the normallyopen +-RES switch or the normally open −-SET switch are pressed, the switch closesand the BCM detects the predetermined voltage signal on the cruise control resume/acceland set/coast switch signal circuit. The BCM sends a serial data message to the ECMindicating that the +-RES switch or the −-SET switch is active.
Cruise Control EngagedThe Cruise Control System will engage and adjust vehicle speeds, based on the activationof the following cruise control switches, which are located on the steering wheel:
On/Off+-RES−-SETTo engage the Cruise Control System, ensure that the vehicle speed is above 40.2-km/h(25-mph), turn the cruise On/Off switch ON and momentarily press the −-SET switch.The ECM will engage the Cruise Control System and record the vehicle speed. The ECMsends a serial data message to the instrument panel cluster (IPC) in order to illuminatethe Cruise Engaged indicator in the IPC. Refer to the vehicle owner’s manualfor the location and operation of the cruise control On/Off indicators and driverinformation center (DIC) messages.
Pressing the accelerator pedal while the Cruise Control System is engaged, allowsthe driver to override the Cruise Control System in order to accelerate the vehiclebeyond the current set vehicle speed. When the accelerator pedal is released, thevehicle will decelerate and resume the current set vehicle speed.
The driver can also override the current set vehicle speed via the −-SET switch andthe +-RES switch. When the Cruise Control System is engaged, pressing and holdingthe −-SET switch will allow the vehicle to decelerate from the current set vehiclespeed without deactivating the Cruise Control System. When the −-SET switch is released,the ECM will record the vehicle speed and maintain the vehicle speed asthe new set vehicle speed. When the Cruise Control System is engaged, momentarilypressing the −-SET switch will allow the vehicle to decelerate at a vehicle specificcalibratable increment, commonly 1.6-km/h (1-mph), each time that the −-SET is momentarilypressed, with a minimum vehicle speed of 38-km/h (24-mph). Refer to the vehicle Owner’sManual for more information.
Pressing and holding the +-RES switch, when the Cruise Control System is engaged,will allow the vehicle to accelerate to a greater vehicle speed than the current setvehicle speed. When the +-RES switch is released, the ECM will record the vehiclespeed and maintain the vehicle speed as the new set vehicle speed. When the CruiseControl System is engaged, momentarily pressing the +-RES switch will allow the vehicleto accelerate at a vehicle specific calibratable increment, commonly 1.6-km/h (1-mph),each time that the +-RES switch is momentarily pressed. Momentarily activating the+-RES switch will recall the previous vehicle speed, after the cruise control systemhas been disengaged by pressing the brake pedal, or CANCEL switch. Refer to the vehicleOwner’s Manual for more information.
Cruise Control DisengagedThe engine control module (ECM) disengages the cruise control operation based on thesignals from the following switches:
The brake pedal position (BPP) sensorThe On/Off switchThe cruise control cancel switchThe Cruise Control System will disengage when the brake pedal is applied. The bodycontrol module (BCM) monitors the BPP sensor via the BPP sensor signal circuit asthe voltage signal increases while the pedal is further applied. The ECM monitorsthe BPP signal through a discrete input and a serial data message signal from theBCM indicating the brake status. When either signal indicates the brake pedal is applied,the ECM will disengagethe cruise control system.
The Cruise Control System will also disengage when the cruise control on/off switchis switched OFF, or the cruise control cancel switch is activated. The body controlmodule (BCM) determines when the cruise control cancel switch is activated. When thenormally open cancel switch is closed, the BCM detects the predetermined voltage signalon the cruise control function switch circuit. The vehicle speed stored in the memoryof the enginecontrol module will be erased when the cruise control On/Off switch is turned OFF,or the ignition switch is turned OFF. The BCM sends a serial data message to the ECMin order to disengage the cruise control system. When the Cruise Control System hasbeen disengaged, the ECM sends a serial message to the instrument panel cluster (IPC)in order to turn OFF the Cruise Engaged indicator.
Every time the Cruise Control System is disengaged, the ECM will keep track of thereason for system disengagement. The last 8 disengagement reasons will be recordedwithin the ECM memory. The scan tool will display the last 8 Cruise Disengage Historyparameters, in which one out of approximately 50 possible reasons will be displayedin each of these 8 parameters. For the disengagement reason to be displayed withinthe scan tool parameterthe Cruise Control System is active and disengagement is requested.
When engagement of the system is requested but an engagement inhibit is present, themost recent inhibit reason is recorded in the ECM history. The scan tool will displaythe most recent inhibit reason, in which one out of approximately 50 possible reasonswill be displayed.
Cruise Control InhibitedThe engine control module (ECM) inhibits the cruise control operation when any ofthe following conditions exist:
The ECM has not detected a brake pedal activation from the body control module (BCM)this ignition cycle.A Cruise Control System DTC has been set.The vehicle speed is less than 38.6-km/h (24-mph).The vehicle speed is too high.The vehicle is in PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, or 1st-gear.The engine RPM is low.The engine RPM is high.The system voltage is not between 9-volts and 16-volts.The Antilock Brake System (ABS)/Traction Control System (TCS) is active for more thana calibratable time (typically 0.3 to 0.7 seconds).Cruise Control Inhibit ReasonsThis is a general list of inhibit reasons. Not every inhibit reason is applicableto all vehicles. Refer to the scan tool inhibit reason list for the last 8 reasonsthat have been recorded during the current ignition cycle.
ACC BRAKE INOP | Adaptive Cruise Control Automatic Braking Failed | Adaptive Cruise Control Automatic Braking Inoperative |
ACC DATA | Serial data fault for Adaptive Cruise Control Throttle Control and Brake Controlsignals sent by Adaptive Cruise Control module | Adaptive Cruise Control Module serial data fault is active or communication has beenlost between ACC module and ECM. |
ACC INHIBIT | Adaptive Cruise Control Inhibited | Adaptive Cruise Control Inhibited |
ACC OPTION | Adaptive Cruise Control option mismatch | Cruise control type (adaptive cruise or conventional cruise) mismatched between ECMand BCM. |
ACCEL RATE | High acceleration | Vehicle acceleration rate is too high. |
Accel Time | Rate Limiting Fault | Cruise torque request rate limiting active too long |
APP OVERRIDE | Pedal greater than cruise (override) | Driver has overridden cruise control set speed with accelerator pedal for greaterthan an allowable time. |
Auto Brk Data | Automatic Braking Engine Torque Request Signal Communication Malfunction | ECM to EBCM serial data fault is active or communication has been lost between ECMand EBCM. |
AXLE RANGE | Rear Axle Low | Rear axle in low range |
BPP DATA | DTC P0703 active or maximum time elapsed without receiving valid Brake Pedal Positionsignal. | Serial data fault is active or communication has been lost with module sending brakepedal apply state |
BPP DTC | Brake Pedal Position signal invalid | Brake Pedal Apply Circuit fault has been detected. |
BPP Not Learned | Brake Apply Sensor Home Position Not Learned | Brake Pedal Position Sensor Released Position Not Learned. |
BRAKE | Brake pedal apply | Brake Pedal was applied. |
Brk Ped Press | Brake Pedal Driver Applied Pressure Detected | A Brake Pedal Apply has been detected based on brake pedal pressure as measured bythe EBCM. |
Calc Eng Torque | Calculated Torque | Engine torque calculation is incorrect. |
CANCEL | Cancel switch active | Cancel Switch was depressed. |
CLUTCH | Clutch switch active | Clutch Pedal was applied. |
COAST DISENGAGE | Coast disengage | Cruise control is in coast mode with the Set/Coast switch depressed and is requestingno throttle |
COAST SPEED LOW | Coast below low speed inhibit | Set / Coast switch was depressed. Vehicle slowed below minimum cruise operating speed. |
Cruise Brk Inop | Brake System Malfunction | EBCM has detected a failure that does not allow automatic braking to be performed. |
CRUISE S/W | Sequence of completion checks | Cruise control software execution error has occurred. |
CRUISE SW DATA | Serial data fault (Cruise switch serial communication fault) | Cruise switch serial data fault is active or communication has been lost with modulesending cruise switch states |
CRUISE SW. OFF | On/Off switch in Off state | Cruise On/Off switch turned Off |
DECEL RATE | High deceleration | Vehicle deceleration rate is too high. |
DLC OVERRIDE | ALDL | Scan Tool plugged into ALDL connector |
DTC SET | Malfunction in PCM/ECM (DTC active) | DTC is active or in history that inhibits cruise control operation. |
D WHL SPD HI | Driven Whl Spd Greater (wheel slip detection) | Driven wheel speed greater than Non Driven wheel speed (slip detection) |
D WHL SPD LOW | Un-driven Whl speed Greater | Non Driven wheel speed greater than driven wheel speed |
ECM INHIBIT | PCM/ECM inhibit (RAM corruption) | ECM internal communication error |
ECM RESET | ECM Running Reset | ECM Running Reset occurred |
ECT OVERTEMP | Engine metal overtemp active | Engine over temperature. Overheated. |
ENG RUN TIME | Engine run time not elapsed | Engine has not been running long enough, typically five seconds. |
ENGINE SPEED | Engine speed too low or too high | Engine RPM too low (near stall) or too high (near engine RPM fuel shutoff). |
FIRST GEAR | 1st Gear | Transmission is engaged in 1st gear |
HIGH SPEED | Vehicle speed exceeds high speed threshold | Vehicle speed has exceeded maximum cruise operating speed |
HIGH VOLTAGE | Voltage above high voltage threshold | Ignition Voltage High at ECM (typically 18 volts) |
ILLEGAL MODE | Illegal cruise mode | Cruise control mode is incorrect based on switch states. |
LOST FWD GEAR | Transmission in neutral. Reverse or park | Gear selector not in forward gear |
LOW SPEED | Vehicle speed drops below low speed threshold | Vehicle speed dropped below the cruise control minimum operating speed. May be dueto hilly terrain and low vehicle speed. Manual transmission gear selection and enginetorque may contribute to this disengagement reason. |
LOW VOLTAGE | Voltage below low voltage threshold | Ignition Voltage Low at ECM (typically 9 volts) |
MEMORY DTC | Memory Failure | Control module memory failure detected. |
MPH LIMIT | MPH Limited Fuel (Vehicle overspeed fuel cut-off active) | Vehicle overspeed protection active with fuel cut off active |
M/T Gear Changed | Manual transmission out of gear with no clutch pedal apply | Manual transmission shifted to Neutral without clutch pedal being applied. |
NONE | None | This disengagement reason may be displayed after a dead battery repair or module replacement. |
OVER SET SPEED | Over schedule | Vehicle speed has exceeded driver selected set speed by more than an allowable amount. Thismay occur while driving down a significant grade or driver overriding cruise whileperforming a passing maneuver. |
PARK BRAKE | Park Brake Switch signal Active | Parking Brake Applied |
PEDAL INITIALIZE | Brake before cruise | The brake pedal has not been seen as applied prior to driver request to engage cruisewith set switch. A brake pedal apply must be seen before allowing cruise engagementduring each key cycle. On a vehicle equipped with a manual transmission, a clutchpedal apply may satisfy the brake pedal apply criteria. |
PTO ACTIVE | Power Take Off Active | Power Take Off is active. |
Ram DTC | Processor Integrity Fault (Ram corruption) | ECM software error has occurred |
RPM LIMIT | Injectors Disabled (Engine overspeed fuel cut-off active) | Engine RPM limiter active with fuel cut off active. |
S/C ON SPEED HI | Over schedule tap-down | Set/Coast switch selected, vehicle speed is above set speed and does not decrease. Maybe due to traveling down hill |
SIMUL S/C-R/A | SET and RESUME switches simultaneously active | Set/Coast and Resume Accelerate switches pressed simultaneously |
SL/W Sys On | Speed Limiter / Warning On/Off switch turned on | Driver has turned on the Speed Limiter/Warning on/off switch. Cruise is disabled /inhibited and cruise on/off switch will be set to OFF. |
SW. INVALID | Analog cruise switch input out of range | Cruise switch voltage signal in invalid range |
TAC INHIBIT | ETC prevents cruise operation | Electronic Throttle Control has detected a failure in the throttle control hardware |
TCS | Traction control active | Traction Control was Active |
TRANS DTC | Trans Gear Fault | Transmission DTC is active or in history that inhibits cruise control operation |
UNDER SET SPEED | Under schedule | Vehicle speed is below cruise control set speed by more than an allowable amount |
VSES | Vehicle stability active | Vehicle Stability Control was active |
4WD Low | 4WD Low | Transfer case in low range |
Cleaning Exterior Lamps/
Lenses, Emblems, Decals, and
Use only lukewarm or cold water, a
soft cloth, and a car washing soap
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emblems, decals, and stripes.
Follow instructions under "Washing
the Vehicle" previously in this
Lamp covers are made of plastic,
and some have a UV protective
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