Cleaning Procedure
Clean the crankshaft balancer in solvent that is compatiblewith the rubber-(1).
Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.
Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.Inspection ProcedureInspect the crankshaft balancer for the following:Worn or damaged hub-to-crankshaftsurface-(1)Worn, grooved or damaged hub sealsurface-(2)
A crankshaft balancer hub seal surface with excessivescoring, grooves, rust or other damage must be replaced.
Worn, chunking or deteriorated rubber between the hub andpulley-(3)Damaged drive belt ribs-(4)Damaged webs-(5)Repair or replace the crankshaft balancer asnecessary.Radio Front Center Speaker Replacement Entertainment Audio
Radio Front Center Speaker ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the instrument panel center compartment. Refer toInstrument Panel Center Compartment Replacementor the instrument panelupper center trim panel. Refer toInstrument Panel Upper Center Trim Panel Replacement.1Radio F ...