Cleaning Procedure
Clean the crankshaft balancer in solvent that is compatiblewith the rubber-(1).
Warning:Refer toSafety Glasses Warning.
Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.Inspection ProcedureInspect the crankshaft balancer for the following:Worn or damaged hub-to-crankshaftsurface-(1)Worn, grooved or damaged hub sealsurface-(2)
A crankshaft balancer hub seal surface with excessivescoring, grooves, rust or other damage must be replaced.
Worn, chunking or deteriorated rubber between the hub andpulley-(3)Damaged drive belt ribs-(4)Damaged webs-(5)Repair or replace the crankshaft balancer asnecessary.Torque Tube Input Flange Runout Measurement
Special ToolsGE-7872Magnetic Base Dial Indicator Set, or equivalentNote:This measurement procedure is intended to measure torque tuberunout for systems with a constant velocity (CV) joint, rubbercoupling or bolt-on U-joint yoke at the torque tube.Place the transmission in NEUTRAL.Raise and support t ...