Repair ProcedureThoroughly wash the repair area with Liquid Wash and WaxGM-P/N-1052870 or the equivalent.Environmental damage may be corrected. Refer toEnvironmental Fallout (Acid Rain)orRail Dust Damage Repair.
Important:Follow all of the instructions from the manufacturer of thepolishing material.
Use a paint gauge before, during, and after sanding and/orpolishing, to avoid removing too much clearcoat. Refer toPaint Gauges.Trailer Sway Control (TSC)
The vehicle has a TSC feature as part of the StabiliTrak system. If TSC detects thatthe trailer is swaying, the vehicle's brakes are automatically applied.When TSC is applying the brakes, the TCS/StabiliTrak indicator light flashes to notifythe driver to reduce speed. If the trailer continues to swa ...