An automobile engine is a combination of many machined,honed, polished, and lapped surfaces with tolerances that aremeasured in ten thousandths of an inch. When any internal engineparts are serviced, care and cleanliness are important. A liberalcoating of engine oil should be applied to friction areas duringassembly to protect and lubricate the surfaces during initialoperation. Throughout this section, it should be understood thatproper cleaning and protection of machined surfaces and frictionareas are part of the repair procedure. This is considered standardshop practice even if not specifically stated.
When valve train components are removed for service, theyshould be retained in order. At the time of installation, theyshould be installed in the same locations and with the same matingsurfaces as when removed.
Rear Wiper Blade Replacement
The rear wiper blade and wiper arm
have a cover for protection.
To remove the cover:
Slide a plastic tool under the
cover and push upward to
Slide the cover toward the
wiper blade tip to unhook it
from the blade assembly.
Remove the cover.
After wi ...