Most P-metric tire sizes do not have exact correspondingalphanumeric tire sizes. Replacement tires should be of the sametire performance criteria TPC specification number including thesame size, the same load range, and the same construction as thoseoriginally installed on the vehicle. Consult a tire dealer if youmust replace the P-metric tire with other sizes. Tire companies canbest recommend the closest match of alphanumeric to P-metric sizeswithin their own tire lines. The above illustration may notcorrespond with your vehicle, but is meant as an example.
Driver or Passenger Seat Retractor Side Belt Replacement Seats
Driver or Passenger Seat Retractor Side Belt ReplacementCalloutComponent NameWarning:In order to prevent accidental deployment and the risk ofpersonal injury, do not dispose of an undeployed inflatablerestraint seat belt pretensioner as normal shop waste. Undeployedseat belt pretensioners contain su ...