Remove the rear lift bracket-(1).
Remove the front lift bracket-(1).
Remove the ignition coil-(1).
Remove the camshaft housing coverinsulator-(1).
Note:DO NOT remove the PCV hose from the camshaft cover. If damageto the hose or connectors is present, the cover must bereplaced.
Remove the camshaft cover assembly-(1).Remove and discard the camshaft cover gasket, camshaft covergrommets, and camshaft cover bolts if they are serviced with thegrommet.Tire Rotation Wheels
Rotate the tires and wheels at frequent intervals to equalizewear. Refer toMaintenance Schedule. In addition to scheduledrotation, rotate the tire and wheel whenever uneven tire wear isnoticed.Radial tires tend to wear faster in the shoulder area,particularly in front positions. Radial tires in non- ...