Brake Warning IndicatorHydraulic Brakes Block Diagram
B80Park Brake SwitchB20Brake Fluid Level SwitchK9Body Control ModuleK17Electronic Brake Control ModuleP16Instrument ClusterHard-Wired
Serial Data
B80-Park Brake Switch
B20-Brake Fluid Level Switch
K9-Body Control Module
K17-Electronic Brake Control Module
P16-Instrument Cluster
The instrument cluster turns the brake warning indicator ON when the following occurs:
The instrument cluster performs the bulb check. The brake warning indicator illuminatesfor 5-s.When the Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) detects low brake fluid level it setsDTC-C0267 and sends a serial data message to the instrument cluster, which will illuminatethe red brake indicator.The Body Control Module (BCM) detects that the parking brake is engaged. The instrumentcluster receives a serial data message from the BCM requesting illumination.Driver Information Center MessagesWhen the Electronic Brake Control Module (EBCM) detects low brake fluid level it setsDTC-C0267 and sends a serial data message to the Driver Information Center , whichwill display Brake Fluid Low message.
Cooling System Description and Operation Engine Cooling
Engine Coolant Indicator(s)LOW COOLANT LEVELThe IPC illuminates the low coolant warning indicator whenany of the following occur:The BCM detects a low coolant level condition for at least30-seconds. The IPC receives a class 2 message from theBCM requesting illumination.The IPC performs the displays ...