Warning:Avoid taking the following actions when you service wheelbrake parts:
Do not grind brake linings.Do not sand brake linings.Do not clean wheel brake parts with a dry brush or withcompressed air.Some models or aftermarket brake parts may contain asbestosfibers which can become airborne in dust. Breathing dust withasbestos fibers may cause serious bodily harm. Use a water-dampenedcloth in order to remove any dust on brake parts. Equipment isavailable commercially in order to perform this washing function.These wet methods prevent fibers from becoming airborne.
A/Trans Case Cover Assembly Automatic Transmission Unit
A/Trans Case Cover Assembly(8)Lube(10)Compensator Feed(22)R1(28)35 Reverse Clutch(43)26 Clutch(47)456 Clutch(51)Compensator Feed Exhaust ...