Subject: | Interior Cleaning – Instrument Panel (IP), Hard or Plastic Surfaces, Seats, Carpet,Leather, Vinyl, Fabric Cleaner, Stain Remover, Restorer — Product Availability | |
Models: | 2006-2014 GM Passenger Cars and Trucks (EXCLUDES Cadillac DTS Platinum and EscaladePlatinum with RPO R9N – Tehama Leather) | |
This bulletin is being revised to add the 2014 model year. Please discard CorporateBulletin Number 06-00-89-029H (Section 00 – General Information).
To keep the vehicle interior looking the best, it should be cleaned often. It is importantto keep the upholstery from becoming heavily soiled. The vehicle's interior can experienceextreme heat, which can cause stains to set quickly. Lighter color interiors may requiremore frequent cleaning. Care should be taken because newspapers and garments may transfercolor to the vehicle's interior.
Many of today's interiors are made with new low gloss materials. Permanent damagemay result from using cleaners on ANY surfaces (interior trim, instrument panel, carpet,leather, vinyl and fabric) for which they are not intended. Using non-approved productscan actually set the stain to the point that nothing can remove it.
Do not use silicone or wax-based products or those containing organic solvents (suchas naptha, alcohol, etc.) to clean your vehicle's interior because they can alterthe appearance by increasing the gloss in a non-uniform manner. The increase in glossmay cause annoying reflections in the windshield and even make it difficult to seethrough the windshield under certain conditions.Never use a STIFF brush or a brush that has been previously used with a harsh chemical.This can cause damage to the vehicle's interior surfaces.Use only mild, Neutral-pH cleaners. Avoid laundry detergents or dishwashing soapswith degreasers. Using too much soap will leave residue that leaves streaks and attractsdirt.Because it is critical to use only mild, neutral-pH cleaners, General Motors has approvedthe use of the cleaners and conditioners listed in this bulletin for the cleaningof interiors. These products are in the neutral-pH range and will maintain the bestvehicle interior appearance. These products are water-based, biodegradable, and donot contain bleach, solvents or harsh chemicals.
Interior trim pieces on new vehicles, as well as service components, arrive with aprotective film. When removing the protective film, adhesive residue may be left onthe trim panels/components. The cleaner (for leather, vinyl, plastic and interiorpaint) is an effective cleaner in removing adhesive residue without causing damageto the component.
Before any cleaning product is used, vacuum to remove all loose dirt.If soapy, alkaline cleaning solutions are used on fabrics, and not thoroughly rinsedout, the residual left in the fabric will attract dirt. Because the recommended cleaners/conditionersare in the pH neutral range, they won't leave behind soapy residue.On heavily stained or difficult to clean fabric/carpet, it is recommended that theentire surface be treated and cleaned vs. spot cleaning. Refer to Extractor Machineand Concentrate section of this bulletin for more information.Effective cleaning steps for hard and/or plastic surfaces:Using a clean towel, apply/spray cleaner — leather, vinyl, plastic, interior paint,directly onto the towel.Wipe the surface with the towel/cleaner.If necessary, use a soft bristle brush to work cleaner into the crevasses of the areabeing cleaned.Wipe off any excess cleaner from the surface.Using a clean towel, apply/spray the conditioner (leather, vinyl restorer) directlyonto the towel.Wipe the conditioner onto the previously cleaned area to restore the material to itsoriginal luster.Important:Today's interiors are developed and intended to have a low-gloss appearance. It isimportant to use only products which provide a low-gloss finish in order to maintainthe interior's integrity, customer appeal and satisfaction.
Effective cleaning steps for fabric:Remove any residue by lightly rubbing the surface with a clean towel.Choose the appropriate stain remover based on the stain type.Spray and lightly brush the area with a clean, soft bristle brush.Gently blot up the stain.On upholstery/carpet, the use of a fabric protector can help to reduce or eliminatefuture staining.Upholstery and Carpet Stains
When cleaning upholstery and carpet stains ONLY, the following cleaning chart willhelp you determine which cleaner/formula works best on a particular stain. The chartlists many of the common stains. Some complex stains may require the application ofboth stain removers, one after the other, to remove both food-based oils and syntheticoils.
A soft bristle brush (P/N-88861425) should be used to safely work the cleaner intothe leather grain or material. This enables the dirt/stain to be completely removedfrom the material.
Type of Stain | Gold Formula (P/N-88861403) (in Canada, 88861411) | Red Formula (P/N-88861404) (in Canada, 88861412) |
Beer | X | - |
Blood | X | - |
Butter/Margarine | X | X |
Catsup | X | - |
Chocolate | X | - |
Coffee | X | - |
Cola | X | - |
Cosmetics | - | X |
Crayon | - | X |
Grass | X | - |
Grease (motor) | - | X |
Gum | - | X |
Ink | - | X |
Iodine | - | X |
Jelly | X | - |
Juices | X | - |
Lipstick | - | X |
Mayonnaise | X | X |
Mildew | X | - |
Milk | X | - |
Mustard | X | X |
Nail Polish | - | X |
Oil | - | X |
Paint (latex) | X | - |
Red drinks | - | X |
Rust | - | X |
Shoe Polish | - | X |
Sun block | - | X |
Tar | - | X |
Tea | X | - |
Urine | X | - |
Vegetable oil | X | X |
Vomit | x | - |
Wine | X | - |
Leather Conditioner/Restorer
A Leather Conditioner/Restorer is also available. The restorer is safe for all vinyland leather. It is a water-based product and contains essential emollients to restoresuppleness, conditions and adds luster without adding gloss. The restorer will alsoprovide protection against re-staining.
Dye Transfer: Dye transfer will happen any time a natural fiber like cotton, silk, wool, or suedecomes into contact with leather. The lighter the leather color, the more quickly thedye transfer will appear. Leather should be cleaned on a regular basis so that thedirt and grime do not adversely affect the top coat of the leather. After cleaningthe leather, it is important to treat the surface with the restorer.
Extractor Machine and Concentrate
For difficult to clean materials or when cleaning a large area, the best results willbe achieved when using an extractor machine and concentrate. General Motors offersthe Ruby Extractor (P/N 627–CC-3000AU) through GM Tools and Equipment 1-800-GM-TOOLS,and has recently released a concentrate for use with the extractor machine. In Canada,the Ruby Extractor machine is available from GMCCA (P/N 88861441).
Whichever extractor machine is used, it should meet the minimum specifications ofthe Ruby Extractor:
Ruby Extractor Specifications:Pump PSI: 55Water Lift: 85”Hose Length: 10 ftImportant:The Ruby Extractor also comes with a 6 year Outer Body and 3 year Parts warranty.
Extractor: The Ruby Extractor machine was designed for automotive use and works effectivelyin the vehicle's interior. The narrow design of the vacuum head allows detail workin tight areas. The water pressure pump is reduced so the fabric surface is not wetmore than is necessary. The dry time is greatly reduced due to less water on the fabricsurface, the vacuum head making better contact with the surfaceand the significant water lift capability of the machine.
Concentrate: The concentrated extraction cleaner is engineered with lower pH levels to help removealkaline buildup on fabrics. The concentrate should be mixed according to the instructionslisted on the container. The available concentrate helps to break the stain down andthen the stain is easily removed with less water. The concentrate used in the RubyExtractor is slightly acidic to remove soap and alkalinityfrom the fabric surfaces left behind by using improper, soapy solutions. Dirt, greaseand grime are more easily removed when the proper solution is used during the extractionprocess.
Parts InformationProducts are available in two sizes; 8-oz / 240-ML and 32-oz / 946-ML bottles.
DESCRIPTION | 8-oz. | 32-oz. | 240-ML | 946-ML |
Cleaner – Leather, Vinyl, Plastic, Interior Paint | 88861405 | 88861401 | 88861413 | 88861409 |
Conditioner – Leather, Vinyl, Restorer | 88861406 | 88861402 | 88861414 | 88861410 |
Cleaner – Stain Remover – Food, Beverage | 88861407 | 88861403 | 88861415 | 88861411 |
Cleaner – Stain Remover – Ink, Grease | 88861408 | 88861404 | 88861416 | 88861412 |
88861425 | Brush – Vinyl |
Cleaner – Concentrate Cloth/Carpet | 88861420 (67.6 oz) | 88861421 (2 L) |
Solvent – Fabric Care (NON VOC) | 88861438 |
Solvent –Fabric Care (VOC) | 88861439 |
USA Dealers:
Equipment is available by contacting 1-800-GMTOOLS.
Ruby Upholstery Extractor | 627-CC-3000AU |
Canada Dealers:
Equipment is available from GMCCA.
Ruby Upholstery Extractor | 88861441 |
GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer". They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle. Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely. If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition. See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information. | WE SUPPORT VOLUNTARY TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION |
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