The vehicle has a TSC feature as part of the StabiliTrak system. If TSC detects thatthe trailer is swaying, the vehicle's brakes are automatically applied.
When TSC is applying the brakes, the TCS/StabiliTrak indicator light flashes to notifythe driver to reduce speed. If the trailer continues to sway, StabiliTrak will reduceengine torque to help slow the vehicle.
TSC will not function if StabiliTrak is turned off. SeeTraction Control/Electronic Stability Control.
Manual Shift Detent Lever with Shaft Position Switch Assembly and Park Pawl Actuator Installation Automatic Transmission Unit
Table 1: Park Pawl Actuator Guide InstallationTable 2: Park Pawl Actuator InstallationPark Pawl Actuator Guide InstallationPark Pawl Actuator Guide InstallationCalloutComponent Name1Park Pawl Actuator Guide Assembly Seal2Park Pawl Actuator Guide Assembly3Park Pawl Actuator Guide PinCaution:Refer toF ...