Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Tires and Wheels Description and Operation (Tire Identification) Wheels

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Wheels/Tires / Tires and Wheels Description and Operation (Tire Identification) Wheels

IdentificationAccessory and warranty replacement must use TPC spectires.An outboard orientation stripe is added to the tread surface,with an offset toward the outboard tire face.All GM approved tires (Production, Service and Accessory)have a TPC (Tire Performance Criteria) code.A replacement tire that lacks the original TPC code will notmeet the performance characteristics of the original tire, even ifit is the same brand, model and size.Force and MomentResidual Aligning Torque (RAT)Rolling ResistanceBraking TractionDriving TractionUniformityNoiseDimensionsMassRev/KMHigh SpeedAir RetentionElectrical ResistanceAutomatic MountingEndurance (ATE)TreadwearChip/tearGroove WanderRide and HandlingWet/Snow Handling

The TPC system facilitates tire replacement for GM customerson GM vehicle, meeting the same critical performance specificationsof GM vehicle original equipment tires.

Scrub Radius Description Wheels
Ideally, the scrub radius is as small as possible. Normally,the SAI angle and the centerline of the tire and the wheelintersect below the road surface, causing a positive scrub radius.With struts, the ...

Special Tools Wheels
IllustrationTool Number/ DescriptionCH-41013J-41013Rotor Resurfacing kitNot used in EuropeCH-42450–AJ-42450–AWheel Hub Resurfacing KitNot used in Europe ...

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