Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Service Prior to Assembly

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Powertrain / Engine / Service Prior to Assembly

Dirt will cause premature wear of the rebuilt engine. Cleanall the components.Use the proper tools to measure the components when checkingfor excessive wear. Components not within the manufacturer'sspecification must be repaired or replaced.When the components are reinstalled into an engine, returnthe components to their original location, position, anddirection.During assembly, lubricate all the moving parts with cleanengine oil (unless otherwise specified). This will provide initiallubrication when the engine is first started.

Camshaft Actuator System Description Valvetrain Camshaft
crankshaftpositionsensorcamshaftpositionsensorengineloadenginecoolanttemperaturesensorengineoilpressuresensorcamshaftpositionactuatorcontrolecmcamshaftpositionactuatorsolenoidcamshaftpositionactuatore ...

Intake Manifold Removal Intake and Forced Induction Intake Manifold
Disconnect and remove the positive crankcaseventilation-(PCV) tube-(1) from the intakemanifold and right camshaft cover.Remove the evaporative-(EVAP) hose from the intakemanifold and EVAP solenoid.Rem ...

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