In addition to the room temperaturevulcanizing-(RTV) sealant's sealing capabilities, theRTV sealants may form an adhesive bond between the components. Thismay make the components difficult to remove or to separate. Prypoints have been provided in the components that utilize RTV as thesealing system. Pry points are positioned so they can be usedwithout damaging other vital engine components.
Control Valve Upper Body Assembly - Upper Body Spacer Plate Side Automatic Transmission Unit
Control Valve Upper Body Assembly– Upper Body Spacer Plate Side(2)Line(3)Decrease(4)Converter Feed(5)TCC Release(6)TCC Apply(7)Cooler Feed(9)Regulated Apply(10)Compensator Feed(11)Actuator Feed Limit(13)PCS Line(14)PCS R1/456 Clutch(15)Solenoid 1(17)CSV2 Enable(18)CSV3 Enable(19)R1/456 Clutch Feed ...