Selecting the right engine oil depends on both the proper oil specification and viscosity grade:
Ask for and use engine oils that meet the dexos2 specification.
Engine oils that have been approved by GM as meeting the dexos2 specification are marked with the dexos2 approved logo. See
Use of Substitute Engine Oils if dexos2 is unavailable: In the event that dexos2-approved engine oil is not available at an oil change or for maintaining proper oil level, you may use substitute engine oil that meets ACEA C3 of the appropriate viscosity grade.
Caution Use only engine oil that is approved to the dexos2 specification or equivalent engine oil as defined in the preceding paragraph. Failure to use the recommended engine oil can result in engine damage not covered by the vehicle warranty. |
Viscosity Grade
Use SAE 5W-30 viscosity grade engine oil.
Cold Temperature Operation: In an area of extreme cold, where the temperature falls below −29 C (−20 F), an SAE 0W-40 oil may be used. An oil of this viscosity grade will provide easier cold starting for the engine at extremely low temperatures. When selecting an oil of the appropriate viscosity grade, it is recommended to select an oil of the correct specification. See "Specification" earlier in this section.
See "Specification" earlier in this section.
Diesel Particulate Filter
The engine is equipped with a
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) that,
by design, will filter or trap
particulates. The DPF is under the
vehicle in the exhaust system.
Depending on a number of factors
monitored by the engine computer,
the DPF will need to be cleaned of
accumulated solids. Whe ...