Caution:The vehicle does not need an elaborate break-in. But it will perform better in thelong run if you follow these guidelines:
Do not drive at any one constant speed, fast or slow, for the first 805-km (500-mi).Do not make full-throttle starts. Avoid downshifting to brake or slow the vehicle.Avoid making hard stops for the first 322-km (200-mi) or so. During this time thenew brake linings are not yet broken in. Hard stops with new linings can mean prematurewear and earlier replacement. Follow this breaking-in guideline every time you getnew brake linings.Following break-in, engine speed and load can be gradually increased.
Torque Converter and Differential Housing Installation Automatic Transmission Unit
Torque Converter and Differential Housing InstallationCalloutComponent Name1Torque Converter Housing Outer Seal2Torque Converter and Support and A/Trans Fluid Pump HousingAssembly3Torque Converter and Differential HousingBolts-M8-x-35 (Qty: 17)Caution:Some bolt torques specifications are different. ...