When the gear selector is moved to the Neutral (N) position, the hydraulic and electricalsystem operation is identical to Park (P) range. However, if Neutral is selected afterthe vehicle was operating in Reverse (R), the normally high 35R pressure control solenoid2 is commanded OFF and the following changes would occur in the hydraulic system:
3-5 Reverse Clutch ReleasesManual Valve
The manual valve is moved to the Neutral position and blocks line pressure from enteringthe reverse and drive fluid circuits. The reverse fluid from the #2-ball check valveand clutch select valve-3 is opened to an exhaust passage at the manual valve.
35R Pressure Control Solenoid 2
The 35R pressure control solenoid-2 is commanded OFF allowing PCS 3-5-reverse clutchfluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch boost valve and 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valveto exhaust.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Boost Valve
The 3-5-reverse boost valve spring force moves the valve to allow 3-5-reverse clutchfeedback fluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve to enter the 3-5-reverseclutch circuit and exhaust.
3-5 Reverse Clutch Regulator Valve
The 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve spring force moves the valve to allow 3-5-reverseclutch fluid from the 3-5-reverse clutch and clutch select valve-2 to pass throughthe valve and enter the 35-reverse clutch feed circuit through orifice #16 past checkball #5 to clutch select valve-3 to exhaust back fill circuit to exhaust.
3-5 Reverse Clutch
The 3-5-reverse clutch spring force moves the 3-5-reverse clutch piston to releaset h e 3-5-reverse clutch plates and force 3-5-reverse clutch fluid to exhaust fromthe 3-5/4-5-6-reverse clutch housing. The 3-5-reverse clutch fluid is then routedto the 3-5-reverse clutch regulator valve allowing the 3-5-reverse clutch to release.
Clutch Select Valve 3
When reverse fluid exhausts through the manual valve, CSV3 enable fluid moves thevalve against clutch select valve-3 spring force. The 3-5- reverse feed fluid is routedinto the exhaust back fill circuit and exhausts.
Neutral– Engine Running____i-6asrevsplclfdbkrevru:compfdi1:fluidpressuressucnouconverterclexpcslinesolenoidsignalcl/i234clfd26cl/i234clfdactuatorclutchcsvzcompensatorclutch456clutchuu:so.euoidnlelsui.euuinassemblvconverteractfdumpcs35revcllowoffoffclutch-2-3-4clutchFuel Pressure Relief Engine Control
Warning:Fuel that flows out at high pressure can cause serious injuryto the skin and eyes. ALWAYS depressurize the fuel system beforeremoving components that are under high fuel pressure.Note:If a scan tool is not available, WAIT at LEAST 2-hours after the engine has been run,before removing the hig ...