Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: Hydraulic Brake System Flushing Hydraulic Brakes

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Chassis / Brakes / Hydraulic Brake System Flushing Hydraulic Brakes

Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.

Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.

Inspect the brake fluid for the following conditions,indicating brake fluid contamination:Fluid separation, indicating 2 types of fluid are present; asubstance other than the recommended brake fluid has beenintroduced into the brake hydraulic systemSwirled appearance – oil-based substanceLayered appearance – silicone-basedsubstanceFluid discoloration, indicating the presence of moisture orparticles that have been introduced into the brake hydraulicsystemCloudy appearance – moistureDark appearance/suspended particles in fluid –dirt, rust, corrosion, brake dustInspect the master cylinder reservoir cap diaphragm and thereservoir-to-master cylinder grommets for swelling, indicatingbrake fluid contamination.If the brake fluid WAS contaminated with an oil-based or asilicone-based substance, indicated by fluid separation and/or aswollen master cylinder reservoir cap diaphragm and/or swollenreservoir-to-master cylinder grommets, perform thefollowing:Remove ALL of the following components listed from thevehicle. Each component contains internal rubber seals/liningswhich have been contaminated by the contaminated brake fluid in thebrake hydraulic system.

Refer to the procedures indicated:

Master Cylinder ReplacementFront Brake Hose ReplacementRear Brake Hose ReplacementFront Brake Caliper ReplacementRear Brake Caliper ReplacementBrake Pressure Modulator Valve ReplacementClean out all the hydraulic brake pipes using denaturedalcohol, or equivalent.Dry the brake pipes using non-lubricated, filteredair.Repair or replace ALL of the following components listed andinstall them to the vehicle. Each component contains internalrubber seals/linings which have been contaminated by thecontaminated brake fluid in the brake hydraulic system.

Refer to the procedures indicated:

Master Cylinder Replacement; also perform thefollowing:

Clean the brake master cylinder reservoir using denaturedalcohol, or equivalent, then dry the reservoir usingnon-lubricated, filtered air. Inspect the reservoir for cracksand/or damage and replace if necessary. Refer toMaster Cylinder Reservoir Replacement.

Replace the brake master cylinder reservoir capdiaphragm.

Front Brake Hose ReplacementRear Brake Hose ReplacementFront Brake Caliper ReplacementRear Brake Caliper ReplacementBrake Pressure Modulator Valve ReplacementIf the brake fluid was NOT contaminated with an oil-based ora silicone-based substance, but WAS contaminated with water ordirt, rust, corrosion, and/or brake dust, replace the brake mastercylinder reservoir cap diaphragm. The diaphragm may have allowedthe moisture or particles to enter the hydraulic system.Fill the brake master cylinder reservoir to the maximum-filllevel with approved brake fluid from a clean, sealed brake fluidcontainer as specified in the owners manual.Pressure bleed the hydraulic brake system. Begin theprocedure with the pressure bleeder reservoir filled to themaximum-fill level with the correct brake fluid as indicated. RefertoHydraulic Brake System Bleeding.
Brake System External Leak Inspection
Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.In order to inspect for external brake fluid leaks, firstcheck the fluid lev ...

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Warning:Refer toBrake Fluid Irritant Warning.Caution:Refer toBrake Fluid Effects on Paint and Electrical Components Caution.Secure the mounting flange of the brake master cylinder in abench vise so th ...

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