Warning:Batteries produce explosive gases, contain corrosive acid,and supply levels of electrical current high enough to cause burns.Therefore, to reduce the risk of personal injury when working neara battery:
Always shield your eyes and avoid leaning over the batterywhenever possible.Do not expose the battery to open flames or sparks.Do not allow the battery electrolyte to contact the eyes orthe skin. Flush immediately and thoroughly any contacted areas withwater and get medical help.Follow each step of the jump starting procedure inorder.Treat both the booster and the discharged batteries carefullywhen using the jumper cables.Note:Because of the materials used in the manufacture of automotive lead acid batteries,dealers and service shops that handle them are subject to various regulations issuedby OSHA, EPA, DOT, and various state or local agencies. Other regulations may alsoapply in other locations. Always know and follow these regulations when handling batteries.
Batteries that are no longer wanted must be disposed of by an approved battery recyclerand must never be thrown in the trash or sent to a landfill.
Batteries that are not part of the vehicle itself, not the battery under the hood,must only be transported on public streets for business purposes via approved hazardousmaterial transportation procedures.
Battery storage, charging and testing facilities in repair shops must meet variousrequirements for ventilation, safety equipment, material segregation, etc.
The maintenance free battery is standard. There are no vent plugs in the cover. Thebattery is completely sealed except for 2 small vent holes in the side. These ventholes allow the small amount of gas that is produced in the battery to escape.
The battery has 3 functions as a major source of energy:
Engine crankingVoltage stabilizerAlternate source of energy with generator overloadBattery Low Start Vehicle MessageThe body control module (BCM) monitors battery positive voltage to determine batterystate of charge. If one or more of the BCM battery positive voltage terminals measureless than approximately 11.6V compared to the BCM ground circuits, this message willdisplay and four chimes may sound. Start the vehicle immediately. If the vehicle isnot started and the battery continues to discharge, the climate controls, heated seats,and audiosystems will shut off and the vehicle may require a jump start. These systems willfunction again after the vehicle is started.
Battery RatingsA battery has 2 ratings:
Cold cranking amperageAmperage hoursWhen a battery is replaced use a battery with similar ratings. See battery specificationlabel on the original battery.
Amperage HoursThe amperage hour rating tells you how much amperage is available when dischargedevenly over a 20-hour period. The amperage hour rating is cumulative, so in orderto know how many constant amperage the battery will output for 20-h, you have to dividethe amperage hour rating by 20. Example: If a battery has an amperage hour ratingof 74, dividing by 20-=-3.75. Such a battery can carry a 3.75-A loadfor 20-hours before dropping to 10.5-V. (10.5-V is the fully discharged level, atwhich point the battery needs to be recharged.) A battery with an amperage hour ratingof 55 will carry a 2.75-A load for 20-hours before dropping to 10.5-V.
Cold Cranking AmperageThe cold cranking amperage is an indication of the ability of the battery to crankthe engine at cold temperatures. The cold cranking amperage rating is the minimumamperage the battery must maintain for 30-seconds at −18°C (0°F) while maintainingat least 7.2-V. See battery label for the cold cranking amperage rating of this battery.
Battery Tray Replacement Battery Holder and Tiedown
Battery Tray ReplacementCalloutComponent NamePreliminary ProcedureRemove the battery.Refer toBattery Replacement1Bolt (Qty:-3)Caution:Refer toFastener Caution.Tighten22-Y(16-lb-ft).2Battery TrayTip:Unclip the harness retainers from the battery tray. ...