Special Tools
J 39400-A Halogen Leak Detector
Removal ProceduresRecover the refrigerant. Refer toRefrigerant Recovery and Recharging.Remove the air conditioning compressor hose nut-(1) from the air conditioning evaporatorthermal expansion valve tube hose.Remove the air conditioning compressor hose from the air conditioning evaporator thermalexpansion valve tube hose.Remove the compressor hose retainer nut-(2) from the battery box.
Remove the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose nut-(1) fromthe thermal expansion valve.Remove the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose-(2) fromthe vehicle.Remove and discard the sealing washers from the air conditioning evaporator thermalexpansion valve tube hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Installation Procedure
Install new seal washers to the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valvetube hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Position the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose in thevehicle.Install the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose-(2) to thethermal expansion valve.Install the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose nut-(1)to the thermal expansion valve and tighten the nut to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).
Install a new sealing washer to the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansionvalve tube hose at the ccompressor hose. Refer toAir Conditioning System Seal Replacement.Install the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose-(2) to thecompressor hose.Install the air conditioning evaporator thermal expansion valve tube hose nut-(1)to the compressor hose and tighten to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).install the compressor hose retainer nut-(2) to the battery box and tighten to 22-Y (16-lb-ft).Recharge the A/C system. Refer toRefrigerant Recovery and Recharging.Test the affected A/C joints for leaks using J 39400-A halogen leak detector.
Cold Weather Operation
In cold weather, the fuel filter may
become clogged by wax naturally
present in the fuel. To unclog it,
move the vehicle to a warm garage
area and allow the filter to warm up.
The fuel filter may need to be
replaced. See Fuel Filter
Replacement (Diesel).
At temperatures belowC (32 F),
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