Chevrolet Equinox manuals

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual: #PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

Chevrolet Equinox Service Manual / Body / Body Interior / #PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

Subject:Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas

#PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

Models: 2010-2014 Chevrolet Equinox
2010-2014 GMC Terrain

Some customers may comment on finding a wet carpet/floor in the driver or passengerfootwell area.

This condition may occur due to incomplete or insufficient sealing within the frontroof to body side outer panel seams. The condition is most commonly found in the roofditch within the first 30.5-cm (12-in) rearward from the windshield glass.


#PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

Inspect the vehicle for accumulated water or water spotting in the driver and passengerfront footwell areas. Reposition the front carpet and inspect for water/spotting betweenthe carpet and the floorboard.

If evidence of water is found in these locations, inspect the affected side roof ditchfor possible voids in the sealer. Inspect for, and correct this leak, following therepair steps below:

On the side(s) affected, carefully remove the forward portion of the roof ditch molding;enough to access the first 30.5-cm (12-in) of the roof ditch. Refer to Roof PanelMolding Replacement in SI.

#PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

#PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets

Inspect for voids/gaps in the seam sealer along the outboard edge of the roof ditch.Examples of this condition are shown in the driver side (1) and passenger side (2)graphics above.Clean the affected area and seal all gaps with *Kent Automotive High-Tech™ Clear SeamSealer, P/N 10200 (5 oz tube), or equivalent. Avoid excess sealer build up withinthe ditch while assuring any voids in the factory seal are filled.Allow the seam sealer to adequately set-up, then water test by placing a water hosemid-roof near the ditch, allowing water to run forward to the A-pillar. Visually inspectfor any water leaks along the inner roof, A-pillar and floor areas.Once the repair is verified, reinstall the roof ditch molding. Refer to Roof PanelMolding Replacement in SI.Dry the interior of the vehicle as needed. Refer to Floor Carpet Drying in SI.

* We believe this source and their products to be reliable. There may be additionalmanufacturers of such products/materials. General Motors does not endorse, indicateany preference for, or assume any responsibility for the products or material fromthis firm or for any such items that may be available from other sources.

Parts Information

Contact Kent Automotive at 1-888-YES-KENT or online at

Part Number



Kent Automotive High-Tech™ Clear Seam Sealer

Warranty Information

For vehicles repaired under warranty, use:

Labor Operation


Labor Time


Body Joint Resealing

Use Published Labor Operation Time

GM bulletins are intended for use by professional technicians,NOT a "do-it-yourselfer".  They are written to inform thesetechnicians of conditions that may occur on some vehicles, or toprovide information that could assist in the proper service of avehicle.  Properly trained technicians have the equipment,tools, safety instructions, and know-how to do a job properly andsafely.  If a condition is described, DO NOT assume that thebulletin applies to your vehicle, or that your vehicle will havethat condition.  See your GM dealer for information on whetheryour vehicle may benefit from the information.

#PI1090: Wet Carpet/Floor at Driver and/or Passenger Footwell Areas - (Oct 21, 2013) Floorlining and Carpets


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